Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Erosion, Flood, Stormwater & Watershed Standards 12.7 Watercourse (Riparian) Buffer Areas


2. Ephemeral streams or streams that only flow briefly during and following a period of rainfall in the immediate area. 3. The absence on the ground of a corresponding intermittent or perennial stream, lake, reservoir, or pond. 4. Ditches or man-made water conveyances, other than modified natural streams. E. Diffuse Flow Requirements All stormwater runoff from new man-made stormwater control facilities, including new ditches or canals, which flow into a watercourse natural resource buffer or into riparian surface water buffer shall be diffused flow so as not to concentrate stormwater or form gullies. Diffuse flow of surface runoff shall be maintained in watercourse buffers by dispersing concentrated flow and reestablishing vegetation. The requirement for diffuse flow is provided for in 15A NCAC 02B.0233.(5). Options for achieving diffuse flow are presented in the NCDEQ-DWR Memo dated March 7, 2014 “Options for Meeting Diffuse Flow Provisions of Stormwater and Riparian Buffer Programs”, including Diffuse Flow Options 1 to 4. 1. Concentrated runoff from new ditches or manmade conveyances shall be converted to diffuse flow before the runoff enters the riparian buffer. 2. Periodic corrective action to restore diffuse flow shall be take in necessary, to impede the formation of erosion gullies. 3. As set out in this Ordinance, Zones of the Riparian Buffer and 12.7.3.A respectively, no new stormwater conveyances are allowed through the buffers except for those which may be authorized under 12.7.3.A of this Ordinance.

12.7.2. Watercourse Buffer Tables

The following watercourse buffer standards shall apply for all development projects.


General Buffers

Zone 1 Buffer

Surface Water Features

Zone 2 Buffer

Additional Standards

1. Intermittent and Perennial Streams (not subject to Neuse River Buffer or Falls Lake Riparian Buffer Rules) 2. Wetlands (included as part of buffer if within 50 feet of surface waters)

30 ft

20 ft

See Section 12.7.3

10 ft

Not required

When located in the Falls Lake, Richland Creek or Smith Creek Water Supply Watersheds (both the Critical Area & Protected Area) , the following watercourse buffer standards shall apply for all development projects.


Water Supply Watershed Buffers*

Zone 1 Buffer

Zone 2 Buffer

Zone 3 Buffer

Additional Standards

Surface Water Features

1. Intermittent Stream

30 ft

20 ft

Not Required

All buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum 10 ft from the edge of any required buffer.

2. Perennial Waterbodies and Streams (w/ Low Density Development Option) 3. Perennial Waterbodies and Streams (w/ High Density Development Option)

30 ft

20 ft

Not Required

30 ft

20 ft

50 ft

4. Watershed Drainageway (drains more than 5 acres but less than 25 acres) 5. Water Supply Impoundments (Drains 25 acres or more) 6. WS-II Waterbodies and Streams (Smith Creek), WS-IV Waterbodies and Streams (Falls Lake & Richland Creek) * The above table lists the required regulated setbacks as buffers.

Not Required

30 ft

Not Required

30 ft

20 ft

50 ft

See Section 12.6 and 12.7.3

30 ft

20 ft

50 ft

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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