Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.1 The Administrator


14. Administrative Agencies

14.1. The Administrator The various provisions of this ordinance shall be administered under the general direction of the Town Manager and under the specific direction of the Town of Wake Forest Planning Department, the Town of Wake Forest Public Works Department, the Town of Wake Forest Engineering Department, and the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. For the purposes of this ordinance, the Planning Director, the Director of Public Works and Utilities, the Director of Engineering, and their subordinate staffs are collectively referred to as the Administrator. The Planning Department will serve as the “gatekeeper” for all development applications and will advise applicants on appropriate personnel to contact.

14.1.1. Powers and Duties

The Administrator shall have the following powers and duties, to be carried out in accordance with the terms of this ordinance: A. To maintain a record of all permits and approvals on file and to make copies available to interested parties. B. To review all applications for land development for compliance with the terms of this ordinance. C. To provide the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners, the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, the Historic Preservation Commission and the Design Review Board with reports and recommendations regarding matters before these bodies, either as required by this ordinance, other laws or regulations or at the request of the body. D. To enforce compliance with the terms of this ordinance, unless otherwise specified. E. To review all development plans for compliance with street and utility requirements of the Town of Wake Forest. F. To administer the sedimentation and erosion control program for the town. G. To administer the floodplain management program for the town as follows: 1. Review all floodplain development applications and issue permits for all proposed development within Special Flood Hazard Areas and Future Conditions Flood Hazard Areas to assure that the requirements of this ordinance have been satisfied. 2. Advise permittee that additional Federal or State permits (Wetlands, Endangered Species, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Riparian Buffers, Mining, etc.) may be required, and require that copies of such permits be provided and maintained on file with the floodplain development permit. 3. Notify adjacent communities and the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, State Coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 4. Assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished. 5. Assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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