Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.3 Technical Review Committee



Special Use Permits (15.10)


Designation of Historic Landmarks/Districts (15.11.1)


Text Amendments (15.14)


Map Amendments/Rezoning (15.14)


Conditional Zoning (15.15)


Planning Unit Development Rezoning (15.16)


Comprehensive Plan Amendment (15.17)

8. Annexation and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Expansion (15.18)

14.3. Technical Review Committee

14.3.1. Powers and Duties

The Town of Wake Forest's Technical Review Committee shall have the following powers and duties to be carried out in accordance with the terms of this ordinance. A. To assist in the establishment of technical requirements for all applications, including: submission schedules, size and number of drawings, type of media, etc. B. To interpret the most appropriate construction details and standards consistent with the intent of the UDO. C. UDO Review: The Technical Review Committee shall serve as the reviewing entity only for the following application types (see also Chapter 15): 1. Site Master Plan (15.8.1) 2. Site Construction Plan (15.8.2) 3. Subdivision Master Plan (15.9.1) 4. Subdivision Construction Plan (15.9.2) 5. Final Plat (15.9.3) D. UDO Decisions: The Technical Review Committee shall render final decisions regarding the following application types (see also Chapter 15): 1. Site Master Plan (15.8.1)


Site Construction Plans (15.8.2)


Subdivision Master Plan (15.9.1)


Subdivision Construction Plans (15.9.2)

14.3.2. Membership A.

The Technical Review Committee shall be chaired by the Planning Director (or their designee) and shall consist of members of technical staff and representatives of various town departments as selected by the Committee Chair on a project-by-project basis. B. The necessary number of members needed to conduct business will be established by the Committee Chair on a project-by-project basis according to the needs of the application(s) being considered. In general, at least 3 members of the Technical Review Committee will need to be present to conduct sufficient review: 1. One planner to assess compatibility with the comprehensive plan and compliance with the UDO, 2. One engineer to assess the provision of roads and adequate stormwater infrastructure.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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