Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.4 Planning Board


3. One engineer to assess the provision of adequate utilities and fire protection, and 4. If applicable, 1 representative from the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department should also be present to assess the provision of water and sewer service. C. Representatives from the following Departments may also serve as members of the Technical Review Committee upon request of the Committee Chair: 1. Planning 2. Engineering 3. Inspections 4. Parks and Recreation 5. Public Works 6. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department 7. Fire Department or other fire prevention representative 8. Police Department D. In addition, the Committee Chair, or other Technical Review Committee members, may request at their discretion one staff representative and/or elected official from the following to assist in an ex-officio capacity only: 1. The Board of Commissioners 2. The Planning Board 3. The Town Attorney 4. Other Town of Wake Forest Departments 5. Wake County Board of Commissioners 6. NCDOT 7. Other NC State and/or Federal Agencies E. In addition, at the request of the Committee Chair, applicant(s) shall attend a meeting.

14.4. Planning Board

14.4.1. Powers and Duties

The Town of Wake Forest's Planning Board shall have the following powers and duties to be carried out in accordance with the terms of this ordinance. A. To prepare, review, maintain, monitor, periodically update and formulate and recommend to the Board of Commissioners the adoption and amendment of a comprehensive plan and other plans as necessary, and conduct ongoing research, data collection, mapping, and analysis. B. To advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the implementation of plans, including, but not limited to, review and comment on all zoning text and map amendments are required by NCGS §160D. C. To develop and recommend policies, ordinances, development regulations administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner, including initiating proposals for amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance. D. To determine whether specific proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the adopted comprehensive plan for growth and improvement of the town.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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