Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.6 Historic Preservation Commission


B. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners, individual buildings, structures, sites, areas, or objects within its zoning jurisdiction to be designated by ordinance as "historic landmarks", and areas within its zoning jurisdiction to be designated by ordinance as "historic districts". C. Recommend to the Board of Commissioners that designation of any area as a historic district or part thereof, or of any building, structure, site, area, or object as a historic landmark, be revoked or removed for cause. D. Review and act upon proposals for alteration or demolition of designated landmarks; for alteration, demolition, or new construction within historic districts; and for demolition of any historic structure within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest as described in Section 15.11.4. E. Report violations of this ordinance or other ordinances affecting historic landmarks and properties within historic districts to the local official responsible for enforcing the ordinance. F. Act as, establish, or designate, a group, body, or committee to give advice to owners of historic landmarks or property within a historic district concerning the treatment of the historical and visual characteristics of their property, such as gardens and landscape features, minor decorative elements, and for the informal review of major additions and new construction. G. Conduct an educational program on historic landmarks and districts within the town and/or other topics related to historic preservation. H. Publish information, or otherwise inform the public about any matters pertinent to its purview, duties, organization, procedures, responsibilities, functions, or requirements. I. Cooperate with state, federal and other local governments in pursuing the purposes of this ordinance. The Board of Commissioners, or the Historic Preservation Commission when authorized by the appropriate local governing body, may contract with the State, or the United States of America, or any agency of either, or with any other organization, provided the terms are not inconsistent with state or federal law. J. Communicate with other boards or commissions in Wake County, agencies of the County, other governmental units, or other resources to offer or request assistance, aid, guidance, or advice concerning matters under its purview or of mutual interest. K. Prepare and recommend the official adoption of a historic preservation element as part of the town's comprehensive plan at the request of the Board of Commissioners. L. Accept funds to be used for preservation purposes that are granted to the Historic Preservation Commission by private individuals, organizations, and governing bodies or their agencies. M. Acquire by any lawful means the fee or any lesser included interest, including options to purchase, to any historic buildings or structures, land to which historic buildings or structures may be moved, or properties located within historic districts; hold, manage, preserve, restore and improve the interest; and exchange or dispose of the interest by public or private sale, lease, or otherwise, subject to covenants or other legally binding restrictions which will secure appropriate rights of public access and promote the preservation of the property. All lands, buildings, structures, sites, areas, or objects acquired by funds appropriated by the Board of Commissioners shall be acquired in the name of the Town of Wake Forest unless otherwise provided by the Board of Commissioners. N. Restore, preserve, and operate such historic properties.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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