Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.7 Meetings and General Procedures


members are not required to live within the jurisdiction of the town. The Commission will determine the length of term at the time of appointment, not to exceed two (2) years. E. All members shall serve 3-year terms. No member shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms. Once a member has served two (2) full consecutive terms, the member must be off the commission for a minimum of one (1) year before being eligible to serve again. This term limit requirement may be waived by the Board of Commissioners according to the provisions of Section 14.10. F. Officers shall be elected in accordance with the adopted rules of procedure. The Board of Commissioners may also remove members of appointed boards/commissions who are in violation of the attendance policy set out in Section 14.9. G. The Board of Commissioners may appoint at least one (1) and no more than two (2) youth as ex-officio (non-voting) members as they deem appropriate. Such members are not required to live within the jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest but are required to attend a high school located within the Town Limits. Youth ex-officio members shall serve two-to-four-year terms or until graduating from high school, whichever comes first. H. All members shall, before entering their duties, qualify by taking an oath of office as required by NCGS §160D.

14.7. Meetings and General Procedures

14.7.1. All Meetings To Be Open

All meetings of elected or appointed bodies under this ordinance shall be open to the public in accordance with G.S. 143-318 (Meetings of Public Bodies) and shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in these regulations and rules of procedure adopted by the respective bodies and approved by the Board of Commissioners.

14.7.2. Rules of Procedure

All boards/commissions shall adopt formal rules of procedure consistent with the level of decision-making vested with that board/commission (e.g., advisory review, quasi- judicial). Any adopted rules of procedure shall be kept on file at the Planning Department, shall be made available to the public, and shall be posted on the Town website.

14.7.3. Minutes

Accurate minutes of each meeting and any collected audio/visual recordings shall be maintained by each elected or appointed board/commission set out in this chapter, showing the vote of each member on each question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact. Each elected or appointed board/commission set out in this chapter shall keep records of its examinations and official actions. All of these minutes and records shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk for the public record. At the discretion of the Administrator, audio/video records of each meeting will be made available through the Town of Wake Forest web site.

14.7.4. Meetings A.

All bodies authorized under this ordinance shall meet at regularly scheduled times and at such other times as determined by the chair as provided for in the rules of procedure.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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