Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.1 Purpose And Intent


15. Administration

15.1. Purpose And Intent In order to establish an orderly process to develop land within the jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest consistent with standard development practices and terminology it is the purpose of this chapter to provide a clear and comprehensible development process that is fair and equitable to all interests including the petitioners, affected neighbors, Town Staff and related agencies, and the Board of Commissioners.

15.2. General Provisions & Applicability

The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all development activity under the jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest.

15.2.1. No Construction To Commence Without Permit

No land shall be used or occupied, and no structures shall be erected, moved, extended, or enlarged, nor shall any timbering, clearing and grubbing, or filling of any lot for the construction of any building be initiated until the Administrator has issued an appropriate permit which will certify that the proposed work is in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. The Town of Wake Forest Board of Commissioners is authorized to establish fees to be charged by the town for the administration of the regulations in this ordinance. The town shall adopt as part of their annual budgeting process, a schedule of fees for applications and processing for permits as specified in this ordinance. B. 15.2.2. Fees & Inspections A. Agents and officials of the town are authorized to inspect land-disturbing activities to ensure compliance with this ordinance, or rules or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this ordinance, and to determine whether the measures required in approved development plans are being appropriately followed. Notice of the right to inspect shall be included in the certificate of approval of each Plan. C. No person shall willfully resist, delay, or obstruct an authorized representative, employee, or agent of the Town while that person is inspecting or attempting to inspect a land-disturbing activity. D. The Town shall also have the power to require written statements or filing reports under oath, with respect to pertinent questions relating to the land disturbing activity.

15.2.3. Development Review Process

See Appendix A – Typical Development Review Process Chart for more information regarding the timing of required applications/approvals.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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