Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.4 Application Requirements


4. Riparian & watershed boundaries/buffers, wetlands, watercourses with name and direction of flow; 5. State & federal reports regarding wetlands and stream buffer delineations; 6. Special flood hazard areas; 7. Wood line & vegetation type with location of all specimen trees; 8. Soils map; 9. Existing contour lines at a minimum of 2 foot contour intervals. C. Identification of the above features on a site prior to the advanced preparation of development plans enables the reasonable and practical planned preservation of existing and environmentally sensitive areas. This requirement provides the town and the applicant the ability to evaluate the proposed development in order to preserve vegetation, to improve the appearance of the development proposed and to encourage the use of the existing forest and tree canopy, specimen trees, and significant vegetation to satisfy the requirements of this ordinance.

15.4.2. Sketch Plan

The Sketch Plan shall show in simple sketch form the shape and dimensions of the lot on which the proposed building or use is to be constructed or conducted; proposed layout of existing and proposed streets, existing or proposed lot(s) layout, building(s) location and size, nature of land use, parking areas and means of ingress/egress, environmental conditions (i.e. Special Flood Hazard, wetlands, etc.); civic spaces and other features in relation to existing conditions based upon the size of the tract proposed for development. Sketch Plans shall be reviewed as binding documents for Certificates of Unified Development Ordinance Completion (15.6.3) but shall be used for non-binding review for all other development application processes in which a Sketch Plan is required. See Sketch Plan Checklist for required submittal information.

15.4.3. Master Plan

The Master Plan is intended to provide a detailed two-dimensional drawing that illustrates all of the required site features and all related development calculations in sufficient detail to show compliance with this ordinance. Detailed engineering drawings such as subsurface utilities (e.g., water and sewer) and on-site stormwater facilities are not required for Master Plans, except that horizontal water and sewer locations shall be indicated as required by the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional. See Master Plan Checklist for required submittal information.

15.4.4. Construction Plans

Construction Plans shall constitute a full and complete set of engineered drawings necessary for final permitting and construction. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional. See construction Plan Checklist for required submittal information.

15.4.5. As-Built Drawings

The “as built” plans shall show the final design specificati ons for all public infrastructure. For stormwater infrastructure this shall include, but is not limited to, the as-built basin volumes, slopes, inverts and tops of stormwater pipes, manholes, catch basins, SCMs installed, and a notarized operation and maintenance agreement for SCMs. The designer of the infrastructure shall certify, under seal, that the installed infrastructure is in substantial compliance with the approved plans and designs and with the

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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