Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.4 Application Requirements


requirements of this ordinance. A final inspection and approval by the Administrator shall occur before the release of any performance securities.

15.4.6. Final Plat

The final plat shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina and shall meet the requirements of NCGC 47-30. See Final Plat Checklist for required submittal information.

15.4.7. Building Elevations For Design Review

Scaled drawings of each elevation shall be submitted to verify compliance with this ordinance. These drawings shall be in color and accurately represent the building heights, floor levels, and building materials. In addition, the Administrator may require up to 3 drawings from different perspectives that will show how the building fits into the context of the block. See Architectural Review Checklist for required submittal information.

15.4.8. PUD Concept Plan

The PUD Concept Plan shall accompany a Planned Unit Development (PUD) (see Section 2.7) rezoning request. The application for the Planned Unit Development held and maintained by the Planning Department will contain a detailed checklist for the PUD Concept Plan. Generally, the concept plan shall include the following: A. Planned Unit Development Intent and Compatibility Statement A written statement must be submitted that includes a description of the relationship of the Planned Unit Development to the surrounding land uses and the uses within the development to each other, the compatibility of the request with the Town of Wake Forest Comprehensive Plan maps and objectives, and any other supporting information regarding the request. The statement shall demonstrate how the flexibility granted through the PUD will result in a higher quality development. B. Detailed District Criteria In accordance with UDO Section 2.7 and PUD application, each PUD Concept Plan shall specify development standards applicable to each permitted use in the PUD and contain the following: 1. Vicinity Map; 2. Perimeter Boundary & Topographic Survey; 3. Existing Conditions Map (see Section12.4.1.B for required components); 4. Land Use Map; 5. Vehicular & Pedestrian Circulation Plan; 6. Utility Access & Connection Plan; 7. Buffers, Open Space & Recreation Facilities Plan; and 8. A Table summarizing the sections of the UDO that will be varied in the PUD. C. Traffic Impact Analysis (see Section 6.11) A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) shall be required with all concept plans submittals to verify that there are adequate transportation facilities for the proposed development. This report must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to the project going to the Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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