Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.6 Administrative Permits


A. In violation of constitutional provisions, including those protecting procedural due process rights. B. In excess of the statutory authority conferred upon the town or the authority conferred upon the decision-making board by ordinance. C. Inconsistent with applicable procedures specified by statute or ordinance. D. Affected by other error of law. E. Unsupported by substantial competent and material evidence in view of the entire record. F. Arbitrary and capricious. 15.5.3. Record of Decision A. The following shall become part of the official record of decision: 1. Documents and exhibits submitted to the decision-making board 2. Meeting minutes B. Transcript of Audio/Video of Meetings: Any party may request, at their expense, a transcript of the proceedings from any recorded audio/video.

15.6. Administrative Permits

15.6.1. Development Permit

A development permit indicates compliance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance and shall be required for the construction or development of any new use within the land development jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest, and any other site improvement as indicated in the UDO. In addition to new uses, a development permit shall be required for expansions of existing uses, changes of use, any uses permitted with special conditions (Chapter 3) and any signage requiring a permit (Chapter 11).


Process Type: Administrative

B. Pre-Application Procedure: No meeting is required but applicants are encouraged to call or visit the Administrator prior to requesting a Development Permit to determine what information is required for the application. C. Required Application Information: Sketch Plan (15.4.2) and any other relevant information to show compliance (may be waived by Administrator as appropriate) D. Determination of Compliance: Once an application containing all needed elements is submitted, the Administrator shall review the application and approve or deny it based on compliance with the land development standards contained in this ordinance. All decisions shall be in writing and delivered via electronic mail, personal delivery, or first class mail to the property owner and parking seeking determination, if different from the owner. E. Public Notification: N/A F. Appeals: Appeals of the decisions of the Administrator shall be heard by the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Section 15.12 within 30 days after receipt of written notice of decision. G. Permit Validity: Upon the approval of the Development Permit, the applicant shall have one year to obtain a building permit or otherwise begin the permitted use. Failure to secure building permits for the permitted work within this time shall render the compliance void. Upon issuance of a building permit, the Development Permit shall remain valid as long as a valid building permit exists for the project. Any change

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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