Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.6 Administrative Permits


first class mail to the property owner and party seeking determination, if different from the owner. E. Public Notification: N/A F. Appeals: Appeals of the decisions of the Administrator shall be heard by the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Section 15.12 within 30 days after receipt of written notice of decision. G. Permit Validity: N/A H. Permit Extension: N/A 15.6.4. Administrative Modifications In keeping with the purpose of these regulations to accomplish coordinated, balanced, and harmonious development in a manner which will best promote the health, safety, and general welfare while avoiding undue and unnecessary hardships the Administrator is authorized to approve certain requests for deviation from dimensional and design

standards. Such modifications, if granted, are tied to the development applications. If new or different development applications are proposed, new administrative modification requests must be made.

Required setback area


Process Types: Administrative


Pre-Application Procedure: Not required

Façade width (w)

50% of (w)


Required Application Information: Sketch Plan (15.4.2) and any other relevant information to demonstrate undue and unnecessary hardship. Conditions for Modification of Setbacks: Requests for deviation from required



setbacks set forth in this ordinance by up to 10% of the required setbacks or 24 inches, whichever is greater, may be considered upon determination that one or more of the following conditions exists: 1. There are site or structural conditions that preclude strict adherence to the setback requirements, such as, but not limited to: the lot does not meet the dimensional standards established for the zoning district in which it is located; the lot has topographic limitations that require placement of the structure into the required setback area; or the structure is physically in line with an existing, legally established wall or walls of a principal structure already within the minimum setback area. 2. The part of the proposed structure that would encroach into the minimum setback area is less than 50% of the width of the affected building facade(s), provided the part of the structure that would encroach into a front setback shall either be open (such as a porch or screen room) or not subject to occupancy (such as a chimney). 3. The part of the proposed structure that encroaches into the minimum setback area is necessitated by a life-safety code, flood hazard reduction, Americans with Disabilities Act standard, or other public safety code requirements. 4. The proposed structure will allow the preservation of significant existing vegetation. 5. A good faith error was made in the location of a building foundation not exceeding 1 foot due to either field construction error or survey oversight.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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