Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.7 Environmental Protection Permits


No approval shall be granted for construction in an area designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area by the flood insurance rate maps, as provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency without the issuance of a floodplain development permit. Because Special Flood Hazard Areas are determined by FEMA and State requirements, if activities are permitted in Special Flood Hazard Areas at the State or Federal level, then they are exempt from the requirements of this section.


Process Types: Administrative

B. Permit Required Before Any Land Disturbing Activity: No such land-disturbing activity shall take place in areas designated as Special Flood Hazard areas until plans associated with the activity have been reviewed and approved in accordance with the procedures set forth below. C. Pre-Application Procedure: Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Administrator prior to submitting an application for development in the designated flood hazard area. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the project, the proposed design strategies, and to answer questions of the applicant regarding the application and schedules for review. D. Required Application Information: Existing Conditions Map (15.4.1) (may be waived by Administrator as appropriate), Construction Plans (15.4.4), & As-Built Drawings – upon completion (15.4.5). E. Additional Information Required for Floodplain Development Permits: The following specific items/information shall be presented to the Administrator in an application for a floodplain development permit: 1. Plan Information Requirements a. A plot plan drawn to scale which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following specific details of the proposed floodplain development:

i. The nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area of development/disturbance; existing and proposed structures, utility systems, grading/pavement areas, fill materials, storage areas, drainage facilities, and other development; ii. The boundary of the Special Flood Hazard Area or Future Conditions Flood Hazard Area as delineated on the FIRM or other flood map as determined in Section 12.4.1.C, or a statement that the entire lot is within the Special Flood Hazard Area or Future Conditions Flood Hazard Area; iii. Flood zone(s) designation of the proposed development area as determined on the FIRM or other flood map as determined in Section 12.4.1.C; iv. The boundary of the floodway(s) or non-encroachment area(s) as determined in Section 12.4.1.C; v. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or Future Conditions Flood Elevation where provided as set forth in Section 12.4.1.C; vi. The old and new location of any watercourse that will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development;


Certification of the plot plan by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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