Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.11 Historic Preservation


15.11. Historic Preservation The historical heritage of the Town of Wake Forest is a valuable and important asset. By listing and regulating historic districts and landmarks, acquiring historic properties, and imposing delays in the demolition of historic structures, the Town of Wake Forest seeks: • To safeguard the heritage of the town by preserving districts and landmarks therein that embody the special character of the Town and important elements of its culture, history, architectural history, or pre-history; and • To promote the use and conservation of such districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure, and enrichment of the residents of the town, the County, and the State as a whole; and

• To preserve property values and promote the general welfare of its citizens.

15.11.1. Designation of Historic Landmarks/Historic Districts

Upon complying with the required designation procedures set forth herein, the Board of Commissioners may adopt and from time to time amend or repeal an ordinance designating one or more local historic landmarks and/or districts. No property shall be recommended for designation as a landmark or included in a historic district unless it is deemed and found by the Historic Preservation Commission, hereafter referred to as the HPC, to be of special significance in terms of its historical, pre-historical, architectural, or cultural importance, and to possess integrity of design, setting, location, workmanship, materials, feeling and/or association.


Process Type: Legislative.

B. Inventory of Possible Landmarks: As a guide for the identification and evaluation of landmarks, the HPC shall maintain an inventory of properties of historical, architectural, pre-historical, and cultural significance within the land development jurisdiction of the town. C. Applicants: An application for the designation of property or properties as a historic landmark or district may be submitted by any of the following: 1. The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), 2. The Board of Commissioners, 3. The Planning Board, 4. The Planning Department, and/or 5. Any resident within the land use jurisdiction of the town. D. Required Application Information: Each application for designation as a historic landmark or district shall contain, at a minimum an Application and a Sketch Plan (15.4.2) that describes the boundaries of the proposed landmark or district and its particular historical, pre-historical, architectural, or cultural significance. E. Opportunity for Comment from the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) 1. Once a complete application is submitted, the Administrator shall prepare a report on the historic, architectural, pre-historical, educational, or cultural significance of each building, structure, site, area, or object proposed for designation or acquisition. Such report and application shall be forwarded to the SHPO. 2. The State Historic Preservation Office shall be given an opportunity to review and comment upon the substance and effect of the designation of any landmark. All comments will be provided in writing. If the SHPO does not submit its comments

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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