Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.11 Historic Preservation


granted unless the HPC finds that the application complies with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the Wake Forest Historic District Design Standards. I. Findings of Fact: The action on an application must be supported by specific findings of fact indicating the extent to which the application is or is not congruous with the special character of the historic district or property. J. Review Period by HPC: Applications for COA’s shall be acted upon within 180 days after a complete application is filed, otherwise the application shall be deemed approved and a certificate shall be issued. An extension of time may be granted by mutual consent of the HPC and the applicant. K. Appeals: According to the provisions of NCGS §160D, an appeal from the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission regarding a Major Certificate of Appropriateness application may be made in the nature of certiorari by an aggrieved party to the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Section 15.12 of this ordinance within 30 days of the decision of the commission. L. Permit Validity: One year M. Permit Extension: The Administrator may grant one extension of this time period of up to one year upon submittal by the applicant of sufficient justification for the extension. Sufficient justification may include, but is not limited to, delays in other outside agency permits, financing institution delays, or other similar reasons beyond the control of the applicant. Applicability and Authority: A COA, approved and issued by the HPC subject to the provisions below, is required prior to the demolition, removal, or destruction of any of the following historic structures: 1. 15.11.4. Certificate of Appropriateness – Demolition of Historic Structures A. Locally Designated Historic Structures: All locally designated historic landmarks or properties within a historic district pursuant to the authority granted in NCGS §160D, and 2. Other Historic Structures: All other historic structures located within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest pursuant to the authority granted in Session Law 2007-66, House Bill 827 ratified June 7, 2007 by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina. Such structures shall include those which are: a. Designated as a State or national landmark; b. Individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places; c. Individually identified as a contributing structure in a historic district listed in the National Register of Historic Places; d. Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; e. Individually listed in the State inventory of historic places; f. Individually listed in the county Register of Historic Places; or, g. Individually listed in the Town of Wake Forest local inventory of historic places, as per Section 15.11.1.B above.


Process Type: Quasi-Judicial (See also 15.5)

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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