Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.11 Historic Preservation


d. It is one of a cluster of buildings that are significant as a group. 3. Cultural Significance: The structure is culturally significant due to factors such as its historic use, an event, a person, a builder, or an architect associated with the structure. 4. Structural Integrity a. The structure will be given a score of 2 points for structural integrity unless the applicant has provided an engineer’s report stating otherwise. b. Said report will be paid for by the applicant using a structural engineer recommended by the SHPO. c. The structural components – roof, wall, floor, and foundation systems will each have a value of ½ point. d. If the report states that a system is structurally unsound the score of 2 will be reduced by ½ point per system rated at 50% or more unsound. L. HPC Decision and Findings of Fact: The action on an application must be supported by specific findings of fact indicating the extent to which the application meets the provisions above. The HPC may choose to include previous documented time spent in the search for an alternative to demolition, such as moving the structure, as part of any required delay of demolition. M. Review Period by HPC: Applications for COA shall be acted upon within 180 days after a complete application is filed, otherwise the application shall be deemed approved, and a certificate shall be issued. An extension of time may be granted by mutual consent of the HPC and the applicant. N. Immediate Demolition – Other Historic Structures: For applications regarding “other historic structures” as outlined in Section 15.11.4.A.2 above, the applicant may avoid a delay in demolition imposed by the HPC if the State Building Inspector orders the immediate demolition of the structure, or if the applicant makes a claim of unsafe conditions according to the following provisions. 1. Any application for demolition of a Tier 2 or 3 structure must include documentation as to the condition of the property to support a claim of unsafe conditions. 2. This documentation shall be in the form of a report from a structural engineer recommended by the SHPO and paid for by the applicant. This report shall specifically address the roof, wall, floor, and foundation systems rated as a percentage structurally unsound. 3. If the structure to be demolished is an accessory structure, a similar report from the town building inspector may be submitted for the engineer’s report although the HPC may require that the applicant return with an engineer’s report at the appl icant’s expense. 4. The HPC may also require an engineer’s report for any Tier 1 property at their discretion and at the applicant’s expense based on the considerations of the specific site. 5. A structure found to be unsafe shall not automatically be issued a COA with no delay of demolition. The COA may be issued with a delay of demolition and an order for stabilization or shoring in order to avoid demolition by neglect. O. Salvage of Materials – Other Historic Structures: For applications regarding “other hist oric structures” as outlined in Section 15.11.4.A.2 above, the applicant shall make all materials available to salvagers prior to demolition according to the provisions below.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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