Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.14 Text Amendments And Map Amendments (Rezonings)


C. Pre-Application Procedure: Before filing a petition of an amendment, an applicant (if an owner requesting a map amendment) shall meet with the Administrator to discuss the proposed amendment or request and to become more familiar with the applicable requirements and approval procedures of the town. D. Content of Application: A petition for an amendment to the town's official zoning map or text shall be filed on a form provided by the Administrator. Such a petition shall contain all the information required on the form and must be determined to be complete by the Administrator prior to advancing it through the review process. E. Determination of Compliance: Staff shall review an application for amendment to determine if it is complete. If an application is complete, the Administrator shall schedule the matter for consideration at a meeting of the Planning Board. The Administrator shall prepare a staff report and recommendation on the matter. Public Comment Session Notification (Prior to Planning Board): Level 1, as defined in Section 15.3, is required for all amendments to the UDO. Levels 3 and 4 are required for all map amendments (rezonings) that involve a specific parcel of land. Such actions include, but are not limited to, map amendments (rezonings), amendments to zoning district boundaries, and the application of new overlay zones. A Level 5 notification is required for Map Amendments. B. Level 3 Notification for Large Scale Amendments: If the land development map amendment includes 50 or more properties, owned by at least 50 different property owners, the town may elect to utilize the expanded published notice provisions found in NCGS §160D, as outlined in Section 15.3.3.B of this chapter. C. Public Comment Session: The Planning Board shall conduct a public comment session and receive public input on the proposed amendment. Following the comment session to receive public input on the amendment, the Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners regarding whether to approve or deny each proposed amendment and shall comment on the consistency of the request with the adopted plans. D. Delivery of Planning Board Recommendation: If the Planning Board is able to reach a recommendation without further deliberation, the Planning Board shall submit a recommendation on the matter and refer it to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration at their regularly scheduled legislative public hearing directly following the public comment session. If the Planning Board determines that further deliberation on the matter is required, the Planning Board shall render a decision on its recommendation to the Board of Commissioners within 30 days of its first consideration on the matter. If no recommendation is received from the Planning

15.14.2. Review By Planning Board A.

Board within 30 days of it first consideration on the matter, the Board of Commissioners may proceed in its consideration of the matter without a recommendation from the Planning Board.

15.14.3. Citizen Comments A.

Written Statement of Citizen Concern: If any resident or property owner in the Town submits a written statement regarding a proposed amendment, modification, or repeal to this ordinance to the Town Clerk at least two business days prior to the proposed vote on such change, the Town Clerk shall deliver such written statement to the Board of Commissioners. If the proposed change is the subject of a quasi-judicial proceeding under NCGS §160D, the Town Clerk shall provide only the names and addresses of the individuals providing written comment, and provisions of such names and addresses to all members of the Board of Commissioners shall not disqualify any member of the Board of Commissioners from voting.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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