Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.16 Planned Unit Development (PUD)


Planned Unit Development (PUD) districts (see Section 2.7) are districts that permit variations to allow flexibility to creatively plan a site specific, high quality overall development of their land that is not possible through the strict application of the minimum standards of the Ordinance and are approved in a legislative procedure by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with NCGS §160D. Planned Unit Developments provide for orderly and flexible development under the general policies of this ordinance without the constraints of some of the prescribed standards guiding by-right development. Before any development shall be designated as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) District on the Official Zoning District Map, it shall receive approval pursuant to the terms of this Section and Section 2.7 Planned Unit Developments. B. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) designation may be established on any land located in the Town and its ETJ that complies with all of the applicable standards of this Section. 15.16.1. General Applicability A. Applicant and Property : Planned Unit Development classification shall only be considered upon the request of the owners and/or their representatives of all the property to be included in the specific Planned Unit Development request. A Planned Unit Development shall consist of land under unified control which may be planned and developed as a single development or as an approved programmed series of development phases by multiple developers. "Unified control" means that all land to be included within a Planned Unit Development shall be owned or otherwise under the legal control of the applicant for a Planned Unit Development. The applicant shall be legally capable of providing a commitment to the town that the Planned Unit Development will comply with all documents, plans, standards, and conditions ultimately approved by the town. C. Fair and Reasonable Conditions: Within an approved Planned Unit Development, no use shall be permitted except pursuant to the conditions imposed by the applicant on the Planned Unit Development in the approval of the zoning map change. The Board of Commissioners and the applicant may mutually agree to additional reasonable and appropriate conditions or safeguards to serve the purpose and intent of this section, and to preserve public welfare, and justice. The provisions of the Planned Unit Development Concept Plan shall replace all conflicting development regulations set forthin this ordinance which would otherwise apply to the development site. The Planning Board may recommend and the Board of Commissioners (with mutual approval of the applicant) may attach reasonable and appropriate conditions including, but not limited to, the location, nature, hours of operation, and extent of the proposed use(s). Conditions and site-specific standards shall be limited to those that address conformance of the development and use of the site to this ordinance and officially adopted plans and those standards and conditions that address the impacts reasonably expected to be generated by the development and use of the site. The applicant will have a reasonable opportunity to consider and respond to any conditions and site-specific standards proposed by either the Planning Board or the Board of Commissioners prior to final action. All conditions shall be in writing and signed by all property owners. D. Content of Application: A Planned Unit Development shall consist of the Existing Conditions Map (15.4.1), and Concept Plan (15.4.4); as well as any other plans, drawings, renderings, elevations, maps and documents specifically included as development documents for approval by the Board of Commissioners. The Concept 15.16.2. Application Procedures A. Process Types: Legislative B.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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