Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.17 Comprehensive Plan Amendment


8. Other Changes: All other changes to a Planned Unit Development Concept Plan shall receive approval from the Board of Commissioners. C. Planned Unit Development Concept Plan Expiration: The Applicant shall secure a valid building or construction permit(s) within five (5) years from date of approval of the Planned Unit Development unless otherwise specified. If such project is not complete or a valid building permit is not in place at the end of the five (5) year period, the Administrator shall notify the applicant of either such finding and a new TIA shall be required as well as an updated PUD Concept Plan must be submitted. The Administrator shall make a recommendation concerning the extension of the Planned Unit Development to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners may then rescind the Planned Unit Development or extend the life of the Planned Unit

Development for a specified period of time. The rescission of a Planned Unit Development shall follow the same procedure as was needed for approval.

15.17. Comprehensive Plan Amendment

The Board of Commissioners may from time to time amend any part of the text or maps of comprehensive plans of the town.

15.17.1. Application Procedures A. Process : Legislative B.

Applicants : Map or text amendments may be submitted by any of the following: 1. The Board of Commissioners, 2. The Planning Board, 3. The Planning Department, and/or 4. Any resident or property owner within the land use jurisdiction of the town. C. Pre-Application Procedure : Before filing a petition of an amendment, an applicant (if an owner requesting a map amendment) shall meet with the Administrator to discuss the proposed amendment or request and to become more familiar with the applicable requirements and approval procedures of the town. D. Content of Application : A petition for an amendment to the town’s comprehensive plans, map, or text, shall be filed on a form provided by the Administrator. such a petition shall contain all the information required on the form and must be determined to be complete by the Administrator prior to advancing it through the review process. per NCGS §160D, if a petition for an amendment is submitted concurrently with a zoning map amendment (rezoning), a separate application and fee are not required for the plan amendment. E. Determination of Compliance : Staff shall review an application for amendment to determine if it is complete. if an application is complete, the Administrator shall schedule the matter for consideration at a meeting of the Planning Board. the Administrator shall prepare a staff report and recommendation on the matter. Public Comment Session Notification (Prior to Planning Board): Level 1, as defined in Section 15.3, is required for all amendments to the comprehensive plan. Levels 3 and 4 are only required for land use map amendments. B. Public Comment Session: The Planning Board shall conduct a public comment session and receive public input on the proposed amendment. Following the comment session to receive public input on the amendment, the Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners regarding whether to approve or deny each proposed amendment.

15.17.2. Review By The Planning Board A.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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