Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administration 15.18 Annexation and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Expansion


process contained within this ordinance pertains to voluntary annexation, requested by the property owner. Annexation is required prior to the provision of Town services as well as water and sewer services. Annexation does not guarantee the availability of such services. annexation is required prior to construction plan approval for those developments requesting Town services and water and sewer service. annexation is required before or concurrent with rezoning and development applications for property within the Town’s urban service areas or annexation agreement areas. Applicants : Voluntary annexation petitions may only be submitted by the property owner(s). C. Content of Application : See annexation checklist. D. Determination of Compliance : The Board of Commissioners shall direct the Town Clerk to investigate the annexation petition, and upon finding it sufficient, to certify the sufficiency of the annexation petition. the sufficiency of the annexation petition shall be in accordance with the statutory requirements. the Board of Commissioners shall set the date for the public hearing. after certifying the sufficiency, the Administrator shall prepare a staff report and recommendation on this matter. E. Public Notification : Shall be conducted in accordance with NCGS F. Public Hearing : Shall be conducted in accordance with NCGS. G. Board of Commissioners Decision: Following a legislative public hearing, the Board of Commissioners shall take one of the following actions: 1. Approve the annexation request. 2. Table the annexation request pending the submittal of additional information. 3. Deny the annexation request. 15.18.3. Effect of Annexation A. Effectiveness: The subject property shall be considered annexed effective the date listed in the adopted ordinance approving the annexation. Once annexed, the area and its owners and occupants are subject to the same debts, laws, ordinances, and regulations and are entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the town. . B. 15.18.2. Annexation Petition Procedures A. Process : Legislative B. Notification: The adopted ordinance along with the legal description and property map shall be recorded with the Register of Deeds and filed with the Secretary of State.

15.18.4. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Expansion

NCGS 160D allows the Town to extend the boundaries of the ETJ area. The notification period and process, including for any associated rezoning, and boundary amendment procedures outlined in NCGS §160D shall be followed.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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