Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.1 Intent


17. Definitions

17.1. Intent For the purpose of interpreting this ordinance, certain words, concepts, and ideas are defined herein. Except as defined herein, all other words used in this ordinance shall have their everyday meaning as determined by their dictionary definition.

17.2. Rules Of Construction

The words and phrases in this chapter shall have their customary meanings or shall be as defined in a standards dictionary, except for the specific words and phrases defined in this chapter.

• Tense. Words used in the present tense include the future tense.

• Number. The singular number includes the plural number and the plural number includes the singular number. • Person. The word "person" includes a firm, association, partnership, trust, company, corporation, or any other entity usually defined in legal usage as a person. • Shall and May. The words "shall," "must," and "will" are mandatory in nature. The word "may" is permissive in nature. • Used or occupied. The words "used" and "occupied" include the words "intended, designed, or arranged to be used or occupied."

• Lot. The word "lot" includes the words "plot" and/or "parcel."

• On the Premises of. The phrase "on the premises of," as applied to accessory uses or structures, shall be interpreted to mean "on the same lot." • The parenthetical notation “ (Floodplain Development) ” shall indicate defined terms that apply only to the application and administration of the Flood Damage Prevention provisions of this ordinance. • The parenthetical notation “ (WTF) ” shall indicate defined terms that apply only to the application and administration of the Wireless Telecommunications Facility provisions of this ordinance.

• LBCS – American Planning Association Land-based Classification Standards

NCGS – North Carolina General Statutes

• NAICS – North American Industrial Classification System

17.3. Use Definitions ACCESSORY STRUCTURE A structure that is clearly incidental to and customarily found in connection with a principal building, is located on the same parcel and serves a principal building, and is subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal building served. ACCESSORY USE A use that is clearly incidental to and customarily found in connection with a principal use, is located on the same parcel and serves a principal use, and is subordinate in

area, extent and purpose to the principal use served. ADULT ESTABLISHMENT Any establishment having a substantial portion of materials or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on sexual activities, anatomical genital areas, or the female breast as listed and defined in NCGS, Section 14.210.10 (or any successor thereto). AIRSTRIP A paved surface used for take-off and landing of aircraft.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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