Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.3 Use Definitions


shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation, and can be owner or tenant occupied. Multifamily dwellings also include carriage-style building with multifamily dwelling units over garages. A multifamily structure where dwelling units are available for lease or rent for less than one month shall be considered lodging. DWELLING-SINGLE FAMILY A single detached dwelling on a lot, other than a manufactured home dwelling, that contains a single dwelling unit (excluding any dwelling-accessory). Also includes factory-built, modular housing units that comply with NC State Building Code. DWELLING-TOWNHOME A building containing two or more dwelling units that are attached horizontally through common walls. Each dwelling unit occupies space from the ground to the roof of the building and is located on a separate lot. DWELLING UNIT A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. FAMILY CARE HOME (6 OR FEWER RESIDENTS) A home with support and supervisory personnel that provides room and board, personal care, and rehabilitation services in a family environment for not more than 6 resident handicapped persons and is certified by the State of North Carolina. (NCGS §168-21) FUNERAL HOME/CREMATORIUM Establishments for preparing the dead for burial or internment and conducting funerals (i.e. providing facilities for wakes, arranging transportation for the dead, and selling caskets and related merchandise). GARDEN (COMMUNITY AND PRIVATE) An exterior area for the small-scale production of vegetables and flowering plants for personal or small commercial use. This definition includes community and private gardens. This definition does not include crop production and nurseries. GAS / FUELING STATION Establishment that primarily retails automotive fuels. These establishments may further provide services such as automotive repair, automotive oils, and/or replacement parts and accessories. Gas

stations include structures that are specialized for selling gasoline with storage tanks, often underground or hidden. The sale of food and other items as well as car washes shall be incidental to the gas station. GENERAL COMMERCIAL – USE GREATER THAN 100,000 SF A use category allowing general commercial premises greater than 100,000 square feet in gross leasable area to be available for the commercial sale of merchandise and prepared foods, but excluding manufacturing. GENERAL COMMERCIAL A place of business providing the sale and display of goods or sale of services directly to the consumer, with goods, including prepared foods and catering service, available for immediate purchase and removal from the premises by the purchaser. HALFWAY HOUSE A place where persons are aided in readjusting to society following a period of imprisonment, hospitalization or institutionalized treatment related to a criminal offense. HEAVY EQUIPMENT/MANUFACTURED HOME RENTAL/SALES Establishments which may have showrooms or open lots for selling, renting or leasing heavy equipment such as buses, trucks, manufactured homes, construction equipment, or boats or marine craft. HOME OCCUPATION An occupation or profession conducted within a dwelling unit or accessory building by a residing family member that is incidental to the primary use of the dwelling as a residence. Home Occupations are small and quiet non-retail businesses generally invisible from the frontage, seldom visited by clients, requiring little parking, little or no signage, and having only one or two employees and provide services such as professional services, music instruction, and hair styling. Home Occupations include produce stands and child/adult day care homes. HOSPITAL A health care facility and related facilities the purpose of which is to provide for care, treatment, testing for physical, emotional, or mental injury, illness, or disability, and overnight boarding of patients, either on a for- profit or not-for-profit basis; but not including group homes.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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