Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.3 Use Definitions


commercial, institutional, farm or professional business users; to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to such persons or companies. This does not include selling to the public. Examples of these establishments include: • Agents, merchandise or commodity brokers, and commission merchants;

Assemblers, buyers and associations engaged in the cooperative marketing of farm products;

Merchant wholesalers;

• •

Stores primarily selling electrical plumbing, heating, and air conditioning supplies and equipment.

WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (WTF) A structure, facility or location designed, or intended to be used as, or used to support antennas or other transmitting or receiving devices. This includes without limit, towers of all types, kinds and structures, including, but not limited to buildings, church steeples, silos, water towers, signs or other structures that can be used as a support structure for antennas or the functional equivalent of such. It further includes all related facilities and equipment, including but not limited to cabling, equipment shelters, and other structures associated with the site. It is a structure and facility intended for transmitting and/or any form or type of wireless communications or service, including but not limited to commercial radio, television, cellular, SMR, paging, 911, Personal Communications Services (PCS), commercial satellite services, microwave services and any commercial wireless telecommunication service not licensed by the FCC. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (NON-TOWER) A Wireless Telecommunication Facility not located on a structure designed primarily to support an antenna for receiving and/or transmitting a wireless signal.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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