Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.4 Definitions Generally*


any hazardous or unsafe conditions to life, health, or other property.

includes all other regulatory approvals required by regulations adopted pursuant to this ordinance, including plat approvals and permits issued. DEVELOPMENT REGULATION Those regulations contained or incorporated by reference within this Unified Development Ordinance or any other regulation adopted pursuant to NC General Statutes. DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT (DBH) Standard measure of a tree trunk size, measured 4.5 feet (breast height) above ground level or the total diameter of all stems of a multi-truck tree measured at 4 ½ feet above grade. If a tree splits into multiple trunks below 4.5 feet, then the trunk is measured at its most narrow point beneath the split. DIRECTIONAL/IDENTIFICATION SIGNS Public purpose signs designed to identify parking areas, control traffic, and provide guidance to special areas and to announce one’s arrival into the heart of the community. These signs are solely for the purpose of navigation and do not contain commercial messages. DISCHARGE POINT That point at which stormwater runoff leaves a tract of land in a concentrated flow pattern. DISPOSAL (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) As defined in NCGS 130A-290(a)(6), the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste into or on any land or water so that the solid waste or any constituent part of the solid waste may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including groundwaters. DITCH OR CANAL A man-made channel other than a modified natural stream constructed for drainage purposes that is typically dug through inner-stream divide areas. A ditch or canal may have flows that are perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT A continuous (through) lot which is accessible from both streets upon which it fronts. DRAINAGE EASEMENT A 20’ wide minimum strip of land reserved for conveyance of stormwater required when the total drainage area exceeds 4 lots or 4 acres, whichever is less,

DENSITY The number of dwelling units per acre determined by dividing the total number of dwelling units located on a development site by the gross area. Accessory dwelling units are not included in density calculations. DETERMINATION A written, final and binding order, requirement, or determination regarding an administrative decision. DEVELOPER A person, including a governmental agency or redevelopment authority, who undertakes any development and who is the landowner of the property to be developed or who has been authorized by the landowner to undertake development on that property. DEVELOPMENT FLOOR AREA The total building floor area of any construction projects simultaneously developed by a single developer. DEVELOPMENT Includes the following human- caused activities that require a permit or approval from any agency, including but not limited to (1) Any land disturbing activity which adds to or changes the impervious land cover’ (2) excavation, grading, filling, mining, or clearing of land; (3) draining, damming or dredging of water bodies; (4) the subdivision of land as defined by NC General Statutes; (5) the construction, alteration, enlargement, or movement to another site of any structure; (7) the demolition of a building; and (8) the initiation or substation change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. DEVELOPMENT (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials. DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL A written, administrative, or quasi-judicial approval that is required prior to commencing development or undertaking a specific activity, project, or development proposal. Development approvals include, but are not limited to, administrative permits, sit master plan approvals, construction plan approvals, special use permits, and certificates of appropriateness. The perm also

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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