Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.4 Definitions Generally*


adopted pursuant to these regulations or the SPCA Act as imposes a duty upon him; and/or The contractor or subcontractor who is authorized to perform land-disturbing work for the landowner.

study area, engineering methods, community and FEMA base flood elevations, other community and FEMA flood data. The flood insurance rate maps are also included as part of the flood insurance study. The data and maps are subject to change prior to the effective date. PRIMARY CONSERVATION AREA Such areas include riparian corridors, special flood hazard areas, unique geological formations, rock outcroppings, rare plants, rare plant communities, rare habitats, wetlands, & prime agricultural areas/farmland. PRINCIPALLY ABOVE GROUND (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) At least 51% of the actual cash value of the structure is above ground. PRIVATE DRIVEWAY A roadway serving 2 or fewer lots, building sites or other divisions of land and not intended to be used for public ingress or egress. PROJECTING/SUSPENDED SIGN Pedestrian- scaled signs mounted to the side of a building or underside of a balcony or arcade which can be read from both sides. PROTECTIVE COVER Natural or artificial ground cover of grass, trees, shrubs, or mulch sufficient to reduce erosion potential. PUBLIC OR COMMUNITY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM A sanitary sewage disposal system, regulated by the Division of Environmental Management, North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, with 3,000 gallons or more design capacity and/or whose effluent is discharged to surface water. PUBLIC OR COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM A system serving 10 or more residences or businesses or combination of residences and businesses, including municipal and sanitary district water systems as well as water systems designed to serve particular subdivisions at full development constructed to specifications approved by the Division of Health Services, North Carolina Department of Human Resources. PUBLIC SAFETY AND/OR NUISANCE (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) Anything which is injurious to the safety or health of an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the

PHASE OF GRADING One of two types of grading, rough or fine. Grading plans are required to be phased. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT A district designed to promote a compatible mix of uses in an integrated and sustainable development consistent with the Town’s unique character. This district shall also encourage design flexibility, multi-modal connectivity between uses; sensitivity to natural resources and environmental features; and facilitate the efficient provisions of infrastructure, utilities, and adequate public facilities. PLAT A map or plan of a parcel of land which is to be or has been subdivided. POST-FIRM (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) Construction or other development for which the “start of construction” occurred on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map for the area. PRE-FIRM (FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT) Construction or other development for which the “start of construction” occurred before the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map for the area. PRELIMINARY FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (PFIRM) A map(s) released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for public comment prior to the effective date of the FIRM as established by FEBA. The map may be in both digital and printed format and shows the community and FEMA special flood hazard areas, community encroachment areas and FEMA floodways, FEMA and community base flood elevations, flood insurance risk premium zones and other data. The data and maps are subject to change prior to the effective date. PRELIMINARY FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY (PFIS) A narrative report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for public comment prior to the effective date. Information contained in the PFIS includes a description of past flooding and studies, the

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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