Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Definitions 17.4 Definitions Generally*


permit, a conditional district master plan, and a planned unit development. The validity permit is two years. SITE PLAN A plan and/or review process for any type of development or building activity on particular parcel or parcels of land. SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP) A permit issued to authorize development or land uses in a particular zoning district upon presentation of competent, material, and substantial evidence establishing compliance with general standards requiring that judgment and discretion be exercised as well as compliance with specific standards. STABILIZATION The process of restoring a site with ground cover or armor to resist soil erosion from the forces of air, wind, or water. STEALTH OR STEALTH TECHNOLOGY (WTF) A design or treatment that minimizes adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the land, property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally the same area as the requested location of such Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, which shall mean building the least visually and physically intrusive facility and Complex that is not technologically or commercially impracticable under the facts and circumstances. Stealth technology includes such techniques as DAS or its functional equivalent or camouflage where the Tower is disguised to make it less visually obtrusive and not recognizable to the average person as a Wireless Facility or Complex. STOP WORK ORDER A written order to stop work, issued by the Administrator, upon determining that work is being conducted in violation of this ordinance. STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES The system of inlets, conduits, channels, ditches, and appurtenances which serve to collect and convey stormwater through and from a given drainage area. STORMWATER MANUAL The Stormwater Design Manual approved for use in Phase II jurisdictions by the N.C. Division of Environmental Quality and certified by this jurisdiction is at least as stringent as the Stormwater Design Manual approved for use in Phase II jurisdictions the proper implementation

of the requirements of the federal Phase II stormwater program. All references herein to the Stormwater Design Manual are to the latest published edition or revision. STORMWATER CONTROL DEVICE MEASURES The overall design, construction, and maintenance of one or more physical devices, measures and associated drainage easements, conduits, inlets, channels, pipes and ditches, level spreaders, filters, buffers, bioretention areas, sand filters, detention basins, swales, wetlands and ponds or any other-Town approved best management practice necessary to collect, convey, store, treat and control stormwater runoff and pollutants. STORMWATER RUNOFF The surface flow of water resulting from precipitation in any form and occurring immediately after rainfall or melting. STREAM An intermittent or perennial surface water subject to US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and/or NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) 404/401 jurisdiction. To confirm jurisdictional status, a formal Corps and/or DWQ response is required (e.g. Jurisdictional Determination). STREAM CLASSIFICATION The existing or contemplated best usage of streams, pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0300, and/or subsequent clarifications, modifications, and addenda. STREET A dedicated and accepted public right- of-way, or privately maintained access, for vehicular traffic which conforms to any of the specific street classifications in Section 6.7.2 of this ordinance. STRUCTURE Anything principally above ground that is erected, installed, or constructed on or affixed to the ground or attached to something located on the ground including, a gas or liquid storage tank, or other man-made facilities or infrastructure. For floodplain management purposes “principally above ground” means that at least 51% of the actual cash value of the structure is above ground. STRUCTURAL CAPABILITY OR “STRUCT URAL CAPACITY (WTF) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other standard, code, regulation or law, up to and not exceeding a

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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