Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

District Provisions 2.7 Planned Unit Development (PUD)


A. General Applicability: Before any development shall be designated as a Planned Unit Development district on the Official Zoning Map, it shall receive approval pursuant to the terms of this Section and Section 15.16 Planned Unit Development. B. Permitted Uses, Development Standards and Minimum Requirements: In return for greater flexibility in site design, PUD Districts are expected to deliver exceptional quality community designs that preserve critical environmental resources; provide high quality community amenities; incorporate creative design in the layout of buildings and circulation; ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses and neighborhood character; provide high quality architecture; and provide greater efficiency in the layout and provision of roads, utilities, and other infrastructure. 1. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses in any PUD district may include any uses permitted as specified in Section 2.3.3 Use Table {} , excluding non-permitted uses. The uses proposed in the PUD concept plan may include any residential, commercial/mixed uses or industrial uses or combination of uses deemed appropriate for the real estate. 2. Development Standards. All PUD Concept Plans shall specify development standards applicable to each permitted uses in the PUD (see Section 15.4.3 for exact requirements). Development standards applicable to the PUD shall be those specified in the PUD Concept Plan filed with the zoning map change. The concept plan shall establish the following development standards: a. The location of uses proposed by the PUD must be shown in the PUD Concept Plan with a maximum density for each type of residential use; a maximum number of units for multi-family dwellings; and a maximum square footage for each type of non-residential use. b. The dimensional standards in Section 4.3, Basic Lot and Use Standards {} may be varied in the PUD Concept Plan. The PUD shall demonstrate compliance with all other dimensional standards of this ordinance, North Carolina Building Code, and North Carolina Fire Code. c. Pedestrian ways, bikeways and other transportation systems that encourage cluster and compact development. d. Land use patterns that promote and expand opportunities for walkability, connectivity, public transportation, and an efficient compact network of streets. Cul-de-sacs shall be avoided to the greatest extent possible. e. Identified active open space areas and those significant natural and environmental features that will be protected and preserved in their natural state. f. Architectural and design criteria that provide higher quality than routine developments. All residential uses proposed shall provide typical architectural elevations representative of the residential structures to be built to ensure the Standards of this Section are met. g. Phasing. The PUD Concept Plan shall include a phasing plan for the development

and associated infrastructure improvements as outlined in Section 6.3. If development of the PUD is proposed to occur in more than one phase, then guarantees shall be provided for project improvements, including improvements required by the TIA and NCDOT. In phases that include residential, amenities that are necessary and desirable of the project, or that are of benefit to the Town, are constructed within that phase of the project.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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