Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Supplemental Use Standards 3.11 Supplemental Use Standards – Infrastructure


and attend the pre-application meeting will be borne by the applicant and paid for out of a fee set forth in the Town’s Official Fee Schedule, which shall have been paid to the Town prior to any site visit or pre-application meeting. 13. An Applicant shall submit to the Town the number of completed Applications determined to be needed at the pre-application meeting. If Board of Commissioners action is required, applications will not be transmitted to the Board of Commissioners for consideration until the application is deemed complete. 14. If the proposed site is within two (2) miles of another jurisdiction, written notification of the Application shall be provided to the legislative body of all such adjacent jurisdictions as applicable and/or requested. 15. The owner(s) of the support structure to which antennas or related equipment are to be attached must be an official Applicant of Record. 16. All Applicants shall closely follow the instructions for preparing an Application. Not following the instructions without permission to deviate from such shall result in the application being deemed incomplete and a tolling of the time allowed for action on an Application until a Complete Application is received. 17. The Applicant shall be notified in writing of any deficiencies within forty-five (45) days of the submission of an Application as regards any deficiencies related to the completeness of the Application. Remediation of deficiencies in an Application shall be deemed an amendment of the Application that was received. 18. The Town may deny applications not meeting the requirements stated herein or which are otherwise not complete after proper notice and a reasonable opportunity to make the Application complete has been afforded. Applications will be deemed abandoned if left incomplete for more than ninety (90) days after the date of notice of incompleteness. 19. No work of any kind on a Facility or Complex shall be started until the Application is reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners and the Special Use Permit or Conditional District, if applicable, has been issued or approved, and a Building Permit has been issued. 20. Any and all representations made by the Applicant or that are made in support of the Application shall be deemed to be on the record, whether written or verbal, and shall be deemed to have been relied upon in good faith by the Town. Any verbal representation shall be treated as if it were made in writing. 21. Other than to remediate non-compliant situations related to matters of safety or the conditions of a permit, no permits for work at a Facility or Complex shall be issued where the Facility or Complex is not in full compliance with all applicable local, State, and federal laws, rules, regulations, and orders. A Facility or Complex not in full compliance with this Section shall be required to be brought into full compliance before any Permit of any kind will be issued. 22. An Application shall be signed on behalf of the Applicant(s) by a person vested with the authority to bind and commit the Applicant attesting to the truthfulness, completeness and accuracy of the information presented. 23. The Applicant must provide documentation to substantiate that it has the right to proceed as proposed on the site or at the Complex in the form of an executed copy of the lease with the landowner or landlord or a signed letter of agency granting authorization. If the applicant owns the site or Complex, a copy of the ownership record is required. 24. Applications shall include written commitment statements to the effect that: a. T he applicant’s Facility or Complex shall at a ll times and without exception be maintained in a safe manner, and in compliance with all conditions of all permits, as well as all applicable and permissible local codes, ordinances, and regulations and

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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