Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Building Design Standards 5.4 Civic / Institutional Buildings


5.4. Civic / Institutional Buildings

CIVIC / INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS The Civic/Institutional Building serves as a landmark and a public gathering place. The use of this designation is limited to public buildings (e.g., schools, fire stations, and town halls), and semi-public buildings (e.g., hospitals and religious institutions). The Civic/Institutional Building defines a sense of prominence or to accommodate the unique needs of its users.

Typological Variants: Cemetery Civic Meeting Facility

Community or Cultural Facility Conference/Convention Center Public Safety Station

Recreation Facility Religious Institution School Child / Adult Care Center (more than 8 persons) College/University Community Support Facility Correctional Institution Recreation / Clubhouse Building

5.4.1. Applicability The following standards are applicable for all Civic/Institutional buildings. 5.4.2. Standards For Design Review The following shall be considered in the review and approval of all Civic/ Institutional buildings. Each application shall be considered unique to the sponsoring applicant and location and therefore shall not be bound by previous decisions as precedents. A. Design and Construction Excellence: Such buildings should be constructed as permanent additions to the long-term vibrancy of the town and should serve to exemplify the very best architectural designs and building practices. B. Site Prominence: Designers should consider methods in which to place such buildings above the grade of the surrounding buildings as a means to provide site prominence. Methods to consider include the incorporation of a raised entry from the primary street frontage (while still accommodating NC Accessibility Code requirements) and/or the setback of such buildings to create a formal landscaped area or plaza. Where possible, such buildings shall form a terminating vista down a street or across a civic space whenever possible. C. Building Design Elements: The nature and location of the building should be demonstrated in the architectural design and the detailing. 1. The following elements shall be incorporated:

Vertically oriented windows of at least 2:1 ratio.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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