Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Building Design Standards 5.5 Residential: Detached House, Townhouse and Apartment Building


public amenities so as to give greater recognition to these features. This paragraph shall not apply to detached houses or townhomes. D. Submittals: Color and material images, along with a description of how and where each color and material will be used, shall be included in the plan submittals. Physical samples may be required by staff at the time of architectural plan review. Colored renderings shall also be required. Building Entrances: Primary building entrances shall be clearly distinguished by using one or more of the following architectural features: a. Covered walkways or arcades b. Canopy or metal awning c. Porches d. Projected or recessed building mass B. Balconies and Patios a. 5.5.7. Additional Multifamily Design Standards A.

Upper-story dwelling units adjacent to an existing or proposed street or drive aisle shall incorporate a balcony accessible from inside the dwelling unit with a minimum area of at least 25 square feet. a. Ground-level units adjacent to a sidewalk, walkway, or public open space shall include a patio or porch of at least 25 square feet in area. b. Balconies and patios required in a and b above shall either project or recess a minimum of two feet from the façade wall, as measured from the edge of the patio or railing, as appropriate, to the façade wall. c. Balconies and patios require din a and b above are require on at least 75% of the multifamily dwelling units. Upper-story accessways serving two or more individual multifamily units shall be located within a building on at least two sides and shall not be visible from any existing or proposed street or drive aisle. b.


Upper Story Pedestrian Access a.

An access controlled building serving two or more individual multifamily units with all accessways (ground floor and upper story) located entirely within a building shall be exempted from subsection a above. c. This requirement may be waived where necessary to meet Fire Code requirements D. Multiple Buildings : Multifamily developments with three or more buildings containing dwelling units shall: a. Include a variety of building footprint shapes or sizes. b. Break up the site into a series of smaller “blocks” defined by on -site streets (public or private), pedestrian walkways, or other circulation routes. c. Frame the corners of street intersections or entry points into a

development, unless corners or entry points are otherwise integrated into the site design with public spaces or site amenities, in which case the buildings shall frame such spaces.

E. Mass and Scale : if the street-facing façade of a building is more than 50 feet wide, the perceived mass and scale of the building shall be reduced by incorporating at least three of the following design elements that are consistent with the development’s architectural character and create distinctive variations in the façade spaced no more than 50 feet a part: a. Pronounced (at least two feet deep) recesses and/or projections in the wall plane;

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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