June 25—Bozeman, Mont. June 2& 1 —Billings, Mont., Rev. Walter J. Feeley, 802 N. 27th St.
BIOLA EXTENSION NOTES itinerary of Calvary Male Quartet Quartet—Elmer Hiebert, Bob Goertz, Dallas, Ore.; Dick Cook, Eugene, Ore.; Cliff Custer, Oakland, Calif.; Accompanist, Henry Lorenz, Los Angeles, Calif. June 14—Santa Barbara, Calif., Grace Tabernacle, 222 W. Carrillo, Rev. Frederick Fels, Jr., Pastor. June 17—Paso Robles, Calif., First Baptist Church, Park Ave. at 17th, Rev. Paul W. Brown, Pastor. June 18—Bakersfield, Calif., Calvary Baptist Church, Kern and Miles Sts., Rev. Claude O. Downs, Pastor. June 25—Fresno, Calif., Fountain of Youth Center, 2nd and Grant, Mr. W. E. Baskett. June 26—Fresno, Calif., 12th St: Baptist Church, 4185 Nevada, Rev. Irving E. Penberthy, Pastor. Fresno, Calif., Calvary Presbyterian Church, Glinton and Thorne Ave. June 28—Monterey, Calif., First Baptist Church, Prescott and Laine St., Rev. Ralph R. Mulholland, Pastor. June 29—San Jose, Calif., First Baptist Church, 2nd and San Antonio, Rev. Clarence R„ Sands. July 2—Pittsburg, Calif., Central Bible Church, Rev. Don M. Allen, Pastor. July 8 —Oakland, Calif., Evangelical Free Church, 2101 47th Ave., Rev. Wallace S. Johnson, Pastor. Oakland, Calif., Mission Covenant Church, 2100 Fifth Ave., Rev. Harold W. Erickson, Pastor. July 7—Lodi, Calif., Temple Baptist Church, 5 N. Crescent Ave., Rev. Arthur Weisser, Pastor. July 12—Sparks, Nev., Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, 240 9th St., Rev. W. E. Radabaugh, Pastor. July 13—Eureka, Nev. July 14—Eureka, Nev. July 24—Caldwell, Ida., First Baptist Church, S. 10th and Blaine Sts., Rev. Elmer O. Paulson, Pastor. July. 27—Athena, Ore., First Baptist Church, Rev. Hugh Wood, Pastor. July 28—Lewiston; Ida., First Baptist Church, 8 th Ave. and Sth St., Rev. J. Clarence Orr, Pastor. July 31—Spokane, Wash., Hillyard Baptist Church, Wabash and Nelson, Rev. C. A. Risley, Pastor. Spokane, Wash., First .Baptist Church, 2nd and Lincoln, Rev. Walter Bridges, Pastor. Aug. 4—Bellingham, Wash., Broadway United Presbyterian Church, 1505 Broadway, Rev. G. Raymond White, Pastor. Aug. 5—Everett, Wash., Calvary Baptist Church, 34th and Colby Aves., Rev. William Sloan, Pastor. Aug. 6 —Winslow, Wash., Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Rev. R. I. Francisco, Pastor. Aug. 7—Seattle, Wash., Georgetown Presbyterian Church, 755 Homer St., Rev. Norman- B. H arrison, Jr„ Pastor. Aug. 8 —Tumwater, Wash., Evangelical Free Church, Des Chutes Way and “ K” St., Rev. Curtis Gilchrist. Aug. 9—Girls Camp at Black Lake, Wash. Aug. 13—Fern Prairie, Wash., First Methodist Church, Rev. P. E. Pike,' Pastor. Aug. 14—Salem, Ore., First Baptist Church, Marion and Liberty, Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, Pastor. Aug. 16—Dallas, Ore., Mennonite Brethren Church, Washington and Hayter St., Rev. George H. Jantzen, Pastor. Aug. 17—Springfield, Ore., First Baptist Church, 2nd and C Sts., Rev. LeRoy Crossley, Pastor. Aug. 18—Eugene, Ore., First Baptist Church, Broadway at High, Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor. Aug. 19—Coquille, Ore., Emmanuel Baptist Church, 150 E. Elliott St., Rev. George Wheatley, Pastor. Aug. 21—Ashland, Ore., First Baptist Church, Rev. Leland I. Wilkinson, Pastor. Itinerary of Volunteer Male Quartet Bob Karn, Salem, Ore., Dick Chase, Camarillo, Calif., Pat Daugherty, San Leandro, Calif., and Duane Christopherson, Vining, Minn. June 15—Santa Maria, Calif., First Presbyterian Church, Lincoln at Cook St., Rev. P. W. Barrett, Pastor. June 19—San Leandro, Calif., Bancroft Ave. Baptist Church, Bancroft and Joaquin Aves. June 22—Grants Pass, Ore., First Baptist Church, N. 7th and D Sts., Rev. LeRoy G. Fraser, Pastor, June '23—Coquille, Ore., Emmanuel Baptist Church, 150 S. Elliott St., Rev. George W. Wheatley, Pastor. June 24—Salem, Oref Keizer Community Church, 1980 Hazel Ave., Rev. Lee Wiens, Pastor. July 1—Cottonwood, Calif., Cottonwood Baptist Church, Rev. Harold A. Johanson, Pastor. July 5—Turlock, Calif., Calvary Baptist Church, Locust and Columbia, Rev. Axel A. Anderson, Pastor. July 16—Fresno, Calif., Fountain of Youth Fellowship, Inc., Mr. W. E. Baskett. July 17—Fresno, Calif., Memorial Baptist Church, 2529 Belmont Ave., Dr. Gabriel R. Guedj, Pastor. Itinerary of Jerry Zwall, Gospel Artist and Musician, and Mrs. Zwall, Musician and Poetess June 10—Wasco, Calif. June 11—Dinuba, Calif., Youth for Christ. June 12—Fresno, Calif., Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, 3402 Washington Ave., Rev. Linden W. Heath, Pastor. June 15—Medford, Ore. June 18-*—White Salmon, Wash., Youth for Christ. June 19—Yakima, Wash., Rev. H. J. Ranton, Wide Hollow Community Church. June 23—Missoula, Mont. June 24—Butte, Mont., Swedish Mission Covenant Church, Rev. Mr. Mag- nussen. Page Sixteen
July 2—Fargo, North Dak. July 3—Fargo, North Dak. Fergus Falls, Minn. July 5, 6 , 7—Eau Claire, Wise. July 17—Scottdale, Pa.
July 18—Hope, N. J., remaining until— Aug 13—Harrisburg, Pa., Youth for Christ. Aug. 18—Macon, Georgia. Aug. 27—Dallas, Texas, via El Paso, to Los Angeles. Visiting relatives and friends who are arranging their itinerary throughout the South.
SUCCESS IN SOUL-WINNING (Contniued from Page 15) Victory
The fourth thing that is involved in thorough conversion is a daily looking to the risen Christ for victory over sin. A great many people only have half a gospel; they have a gospel of a crucified Saviour, through whom they find pardon and peace; but they haven’t learned the other half of the gospel of a risen Saviour who has power to give victory over sin every day and every hour. Summarized, this is what is involved in thorough conversion —renunciation of all sin; absolute surrender to God; rest in the finished work of Christ; and a daily looking to the risen Christ to give victory over sin. All this is but the first condi tion of success in soul-winning. The Word The second condition is found in Luke 8:11: “ The seed is the word of God.” Soul-winning is sowing a seed and reaping a harvest. Oftentimes the harvest comes just a few minutes after the sowing, but there must be sowing, and there must be sowing of the right seed. And the only seed that brings a harvest of saved souls is the Word of God. The truth that is contained in the Bible is the instrument that God uses to produce conviction of sin, to show Jesus to men, to show men how to receive Jesus, and to sweep away all diffi culties that stand between man and his Saviour. Now a man that is to be used in soul-winning must know one thing—he must know his Bible. He doesn’t need to know anything else. He may not know very much about philosophy; he may not know anything about science; he may not know the first thing about modem or ancient literature; he may know very little about history. But he must know his Bible. On the other hand, a man may be an expert in philosophy, thoroughly versed in science, a master of literature, an his torical student and expert, hut if he doesn’t know the one Book, he is useless as a soul-winner. In order to be an effective soul-winner, there are four things you must know about the Word of God: 1. You must know how to use the Word of God to show men their need of Christ. 2. To show them that Jesus Christ is just the Saviour they need. 3. To show them how to make this Saviour their own Saviour. 4. To sweep away the difficulties that stand between the soul and the Saviour. Every man has some difficulty, but there isn’t a problem that is not met in this Book somewhere. Now I have been approached by all kinds of men in every clime literally around the world—the Sandwich Islands, China, Japan, Aus tralia, New Zealand, Tasmania, India, Germany, Denmark, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the United States and Canada—who have come to me with their difficulties, and never a man has come to me with a difficulty that was not answered in this Book. You must know your Bible; and you must know your Bible in a practical way; that is, you must know how to use it to meet the practical difficulties that men and women have today. So if you know Him, and you know His Word, you are really equipped to win souls, and you cannot help but be a success! T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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