BIOLA FAMILY C IRCLE (Continued from Page 13)
WHY NOT MORE YOUNG PEOPLE ON THE MISSION FIELD? (Continued from Page 10) training these young people. Through out their entire school courses the chal lenge of the foreign mission field is placed before the students. Certainly it is not the fault of the young people; they are willing to go; their hearts are deeply moved by the needs of the field The writer is not placing the blame upon the churches which are already supporting as many missionaries as they can afford to. If there is any need whatever of challenging anybody to greater effort, it is the writer’s convic tion that the older Christian people in the churches, including the ones who are so very critical of young people and present-day institutions, should be in spired anew to greater effort, both in prayer and giving. The Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges are constantly chal lenging and preparing the young people. The young people are available and ready to go. Of necessity, mission boards are laying a heavy financial load upon the young people in requiring them to secure their own equipment and support. Humanly speaking, lack o f funds is the only reason why many more young people are not immediately on their way into foreign missionary work. At the recent Missionary Rally held at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles and the Church o f the Open Door, a represen tative of one mission board said that they had over twenty-five missionary candidates ready and waiting to go as soon as funds were provided. A repre sentative of another and larger mis sion board stated that they had one hundred and twenty-five missionary candidates ready to go, but money to send them was not available. The repre sentative of still another mission board informed the writer that the only reason (Continued on Page 18)
feel richly blessed o f the Lord.” Jacob and Mrs. Wiens (Susie Willems ’32), Box 705, Tehachapi, Calif., are profit ably engaged in witnessing for the Lord. Susie is doing relief work at the Cali fornia State Institution for Women, and has endless opportunities for definite service. Mr. Wiens heads the High School work. Good news comes from several points of the compass. Carol Terry ’40, ’46, successfully passed her language exam inations, and has been appointed to serve on the Christian Youth Activities Com mittee in Bombay. Sydney Best, detained in America pending obtaining his citizen ship papers, has returned from a busi ness trip to Chicago in the interests of the China Inland Mission. With his wife, Dorothy Cornell ’34, and their children, he appeared on the Easter Mis sionary Conference at the Church of the Open Door. Harry H. and Alice Phair- Hurlburt (former student) are making final preparation for their furlough, which means they hope soon to be on their way to the States. They ask prayer for bookings to be made available, and for other needs. Mrs. Pagard, Kathleen and Koreen sailed for Africa, via South ampton, on March 17th. They
Mr. Poole pours dimes into President Talbot’s hand. A FIELD representative o f a Chris tian organization like the Bible Institute of Los Angeles certainly learns just how much some o f the saints really love the Lord. Before his death two years ago, Mr. H. C. Hunt, who for twenty-three years served the Lord in this same capacity, declared to me: “ You can pretty well determine a person’s love for the gospel by his spirit of giv ing of his material means.” Recently I called on one of those faith ful stewards, who smilingly brought forth a neatly wrapped two-pound coffee can and asked me to look inside. There, in bank wrappers, stacked systemati cally, were 3,750 dimes—the result of several years o f prayerful saving. Then this friend told me what was on her heart. “ My husband and I started saving these dimes to invest in a home, but the Lord has supplied a home in His own way. He has taken my husband to Heaven. Now that he is with the Lord, I want to put these dimes to work for the gospel of Jesus Christ, as we decided to do before he left. I have considered many good places where this money might be used and I have come to the conclusion that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers the greatest opportunity and the biggest returns for our investment,” We explained our Student Sponsorship plan to this Los Angeles lady, telling her how $125.00 would reimburse Biola for a year’s training of one student. This dear lady was delighted to learn that her 3,750 dimes, totalling exactly $375.00, was just the amount needed to sponsor three students for an entire year. Then, not satisfied with what she ( Continued on Page 21) J U N E , 1 9 4 9
spent about ten days in London. Kathryn Dick ’29, writes of refreshing showers of spiritual blessing being brought by Stew art ’33, ’34, and Edna Luft-McDougall ’35, when they came down from their station in Dahomey. The church was en livened; the Girls’ School has been re opened. Andrew J. and Mrs. TJhlinger, both of the class of ’16, write of rich blessing following the use of the phono graph and feltograph in connection with their work in 1the Congo on Sundays. There is also a Friday morning Bible class for women. S R CROWNS FOR CHRISTIANS God offers 5 crowns for definite Christian service. He saves us for nothing and pays us for everything we do. What are these crowns and how can I get all of them? Price 25 cents. THE BEST INVESTMENT you can make is an investment in the work of the Slavic Missionary Society: care for orphans; aid to refugees in Europe; support of missionaries; printing and distributing the Word of God. Help to save souls and bodies of precious men and women for whom Christ gave His life. Ask for free copies of “Slavic Evangel” with details about the work. Send your contributions to the SLAVIC M ISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC. Dr. F. J. Miles, International Secretary 5537 No. Glenwood Ave., Room 2, Chicago 40, Illinois Address in Canada: 152 Eglinton Ave., East, Toronto 12, Ont. Page Seventeen t i ’ | “ The Book of Revelation,” “ The Dispensations,” “ The Holy Spirit,” “The New Jerusalem,” “ Noah’s Ark.” All 6 for $2.00 K O I HUM BER » PRESS FLORA, USD.
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