King's Business - 1949-06

HEAVEN (Continued from Page 11)


Stella M. Rudy's POPULAR

And, to be sure, He has provided this information, for many pages of His blessed Word are given to a portrayal not only of the eternal dwelling place, but also of the enjoyments and employ­ ments of all those who, by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, have become members of the heavenly family. This revelation is eminently calculated to comfort God’s •people, to enable them to carry their burdens on earth more bravely, and to stimulate their longing for the heavenly home. This being true, we children of God should dwell more and more on the sub­ ject of Heaven. Nothing else will so surely help to sanctify our hearts and lives and tend to separate us from the things that mar our testimony as will a contemplation of our high calling in Christ Jesus and our eternal abiding with Him. Nothing else will cheer us as will the prospect of being at home with the Lord. How blessedly comforting are the words of our Saviour that He ut­ tered when He was about to leave earth and return to Heaven: “ Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1-3). What scenes, what joys, await the re­ deemed one! And these are for every child of God—even the weakest and poor­ est—who has been “ born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word o f God which liveth and abideth for ever.” (Continued next month) WHY NOT MORE YOUNG PEOPLE ON THE MISSION FIELD? (Continued from Page 17) they were not sending out new mission­ aries at once was because o f lack of funds. In view o f these facts, it would seem that our greatest immediate need, and the real solution to this problem is not for more young people to go, but for more of God’s people to provide th>> means fo r those who are ready to go. The laborers are ready to be thrust forth. Where are the older Christians with the means to send them? A PENNY A DAY! (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? for information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. 430 East 141st Street - - - New York 54, N. Y. Chas. E. Gremmels, Pres. ; James E. Bennet, Treas. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

More Rainbow Missionary Stories “Aunt” Stella’s latest addition to her “Rainbow Series” of missionary stories. These stories will immediately appeal to teachers, pastors and children everywhere. The author, for years engaged in work with children in an orphanage in South China, is a skilled narrator drawing her material from such far away places as Afghanistan, Africa, China, India, Palestine and the islands of the sea. Twenty-four . fascinating stories. ¡PI •/«► New Rainbow Missionary Stories Children from all over the world appear in this col­ lection of unusual missionary stories. “Aunt" Stella shows her great love for all children—“red and

yellow, black and brown” as well as the white, Illustrated with line drawings, it is an excellent book for use in Sunday School, Summer Bible School and in the home. $1.75



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I t Jfappened on — Jime 2 , 1874 President Ulysses S. Grant laid the cornerstone of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Through the years the peo­ ple of our city and nation have enjoyed the cultural facilities of this great institution.

IN 1874, THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY had been distributing the Word of God to the people of New York City for 6S years. It has been the work of the Society to bring hope and inspiration to the sick, homeless and unfortunate of the largest city in the nation More than 30,000,000 Scriptures have been distributed to those in need, that they might gain true salvation. THE ANNUITY AGREEMENT OF THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY enables you to participate in this vital work! This annuity means a regular income for you for life and the knowledge your funds are being used to minister to the spiritual needs of those less fortunate. PLAN ON A NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUITY Write for our free, descriptive booklet today! R e v . D . J. F a n t , General Secretary NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY 5*«. 4*hs..,Dep». is New Y o rk 17, N .Y .

IN FULL COLOR uucrnuucricuircs Three young men won to Christ at one serv­ ice. Each slide produced after much prayer and study of God’s word. (H I) Faith of Our Fathers. 9 Double Frame Pictures. (H2) The Church’s One Foundation.12 Double Frame Pictures. (H3) Yield Not to Temptation. 15 Double Frame Pictures. (H4) Rescue the Perishing. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H5) Rock of Ages. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H6) Dare to be a Daniel. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H7) Throw Out the Life Line. 12 Double Frame Pictures. .(H8) Hark the Herald Angels Sing. 12 DoubleFrame Pictures. (H9) Onward Christian Soldiers 12 Double Frame Pictures.


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Price per Double Frame film strip—only $4.50. On 2x2 readymounts, per slide 50c. Glassbinders, per slide 60c. Place your orders early. Write for descriptive pamphlet of Bible Stories, Children’s Stories, etc. ADDRESS DEPT. KB Produced by GOSPEL SLIDE and FILM SERVICE 923 South Eye Street, Tacoma 3, Wash. J

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