King's Business - 1949-06



(16-page booklet)

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Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

July 3, 1949 THE SONGBOOK OF THE HEBREWS Psa. 1; 67

even as the Pentateuch is the Lord’s five­ fold word to the congregation.” All these things being true and much more, let us give ourselves to a diligent study o f this precious portion of God’s Word during these' weeks. A Fitting Introduction—Psalm One Psalm One may well be considered as the introduction to the entire collection of the Psalms. We have set forth in it the kind of a man God wants every be­ liever to be, who will be able to worship God in the ways suggested in the rest of the Psalms. God’s Blessed Man ap­ pears in this Psa}m. F irst-of all, he is described negatively and positively, (vv. 1, 2, 6a). The things he does not do and then the things he does do are presented. The little word “ but” in verse 2 divides the description. Then God’s Blessed1Man is compared (v. 3 ). He is like a trans­ planted, fruitful, evergreen, thriving tree. Finally, God’s Blessed Man is con­ trasted (w . 4, 5, 6b). The ungodly are like the lifeless, worthless chaff which the wind blows away. The teacher will likely want to emphasize the fact that the only one who completely fulfills the picture o f God’s Blessed Man is the Lord Jesus Christ. An Expression of Prayer and Praise— Psalm Sixty-Seven This Psalm is typical of a large part o f the whole book. It is a Psalm of prayer and praise. There is the desire that all people shall recognize the worth of God and praise Him for His right­ eous judgments and just reign. Let this Psalm teach us never to let the note of praise become silent in our lives. Helps for the Children The Songbook o f Bible Times Psa. 33:12-15; 67; 100 Memory Verse: “ Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” (Psa. 100:2). Do you know that you have a song­ book in the middle of your Bible? Yes, the book of Psalms was the hymnbook

Pointers on the Lesson This week’s lesson forms the introduc­ tion to a series of lessons on the Psalms. The book of Psalms is “ The Hymnbook o f the Ages,” a collection of 150 spirit­ ual songs and poems, many o f which were set to music for the temple worship. The Hebrew title for the Psalms is “ The Book of Praises.” More than 20 of the Psalms have praise for their keynote, and there are outbursts of praise and thanksgiving in many others. Hence the title is fitting. “ The book begins with benediction and ends with praise—first, blessing to man, and then glory to God” (K er). The book of Psalms is located at the center of the Bible and doubtless is the most precious book in the Old Testament. Its value in the New Testament is indi­ cated by the fact that two-thirds o f the Old Testament quotations are from this one book. It was continually upon the lips of our Lord. In all this there is the suggestion that the Psalms should have a prominent place in our thinking and worship. John Calvin calls the Psalms “ an anatomy of all parts o f the soul, for there is not an emotion o f which any­ one can be conscious that is not here represented as in a mirror.” The book of Psalms has been commonly divided into five parts. Thus Dr. Delitzsch, the great expositor, calls the Psalter “ the congregation’s five-fold word to the Lord, BIBLE Q U IZ Fathers and Sons 1. D a v id ............ .............................Enos 2. Saul ............. 3. Noah ............ 4. M o s e s............ 5. Abraham . . . 6. Zebedee ........ .. .. John the Baptist

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Israel is God’s olive tree, into which believers from among the gentiles (wild olives) were grafted when “some of the branches were broken off.” (Rom. 11:17) But God will graft in again the natural branches. Will You Speed the Day? 16 Missionaries now preach­ ing Christ to the Jews through your support. Doors opening almost daily to new fields of witness. Remember your debt to God’s Ancient People! William Culbertson Chairman of the Board Hyman J. Appelman,

“Unto These My < Breth­ ren”



7. E n o ch ........... 8. Zacharias . . . 9. Seth ............ 10. Boaz ............


— Vernon Howard in

Lively Bible Quizzes

(Answers on Page 30)

J U N E , 1949

Page Nineteen

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