King's Business - 1949-06

mm DIDN'T TELL ALL! They told about the A l­ catraz Prison riot and they reported on “Buddy” Thompson’s death in San Quentin’s gas chamber, but there’s a part they didn’t tell. Write for this glorious con- version story.

which the Hebrew people, or the Israel­ ites, used in Bible times. These poems, written by several of God’s servants, were read and sung by God’s chosen people in their own land and when they were carried captive into heathen lands. In these Psalms we find stories, praise, grief, and warnings written by and for God’s people. As we think of our national holiday tomorrow, we may well remember the Psalm which says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own in­ heritance” (Psa. 33:12). Psalm 67 contains some verses that should be the prayer of each o f God’s children today: “ God be merciful unto Pointers on the Lesson The Psalms from which our lesson is chosen this week are called Psalms of Degrees or Ascents (R. V .). They have also been called Pilgrim Psalms, Trav­ elers’ Psalms, Songs o f the Goings Up, and the Gradual Psalms. There are three leading theories as to the meaning of the title: (1) that they were composed for the pilgrims who came from the different parts of the Holy Land to Jerusalem for the solemn feasts o f the Lord, and were sung by them in the way; (2) that they were meant for the captives in Babylon who returned to Palestine under Ezra and Nehemiah, with which to celebrate their freedom; and (3) that they were sung upon the fifteen steps of the temple at Jerusalem (no such steps are known) b y .worshipers at the feasts, each step having, as it were, a Psalm of its own. The first theory is the most probable. But whichever view one adopts, the main idea is the same: there is joy in the heart of the believer who walks life’s pathway with his heart toward the house of the Lord. Psa. 122 Gladness is expressed in this Psalm at the thought o f entering the house of the Lord. Appreciation of the Holy City which houses the temple is sung. Jeru­ salem is recognized as the place where God’s worship -is centralized. Prayer breaks forth for the preservation o f this sacred spot because the house of the Lord is there and God’s people need its benefits. Such is the message of this Psalm. It suggests to Christians the joy they should have in -the house of worship. It is the place where the Word is read and expounded, the place where the means of grace are made available to all com­ ing within its precincts. Every possible effort should be exerted to maintain the unhindered ministry of the house of God. Pray for its peace and prosperity.

us . . . and cause his face to shine upon us.” Psalm 100 is a favorite Psalm for children. Many children can repeat it from memory. Perhaps you can say the Psalm perfectly, but have you ever stopped to think about what you are saying? Have you ever asked yourself if you are doing the things that the psalmist suggests? God’s children are told to praise the Lord, serve, know Him better, give thanks, and bless Him. The 23rd Psalm and several other Psalms have been set to music and have been memorized and loved by Christians through all the world. When Christians’ hearts, as well as their lips, sing these Psalms, God will be pleased with this use o f His Word. Psa. 134 This Psalm breathes the spirit o f rest. It is the time of the evening sacrifice. The pilgrims have experienced the bene­ diction o f the solemn services. They call on the priests who have ministered in holy things to join in a paean of praise. Thus this series o f Psalms comes to a conclusion. The thought lingers with the reader that such praise should al­ ways be present with all those who gather in God’s house. Let us ask our­ selves, “ Why do we attend the Lord’s house?” Is it primarily to praise and worship God as it should be, or is it to meet pur friends, or out of a sense of duty, or for busines reasons, etc.? What does God’s house mean to you? Memory Verse: “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psa. 122:1). Part of the Psalms (120 to 134) are a group o f songs that were used by the pilgrims of Palestine as they journeyed along the road each year on their visits to the temple at Jerusalem, or as they climbed the hill to the temple on festi­ val days. Psalm 122 is one o f the songs which was sung as the pilgrim worshipers jour­ neyed along the road to Jerusalem. It begins with a verse that most Christian children today know: “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” As you read this Psalm, think of hundreds o f families walking or riding their donkeys along the dusty road that led into the city of Jerusalem. The words will have a new meaning to you if you will read this Psalm this way. Psalm 134 was one of the songs that the pilgrims sang when at last they came near the temple. You may take turns reading this Psalm as if the night watch­ man of the temple and the pilgrims T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Helps for the Children Pilgrim Marching Songs Psa. 122; 134

Price 25c Postpaid 5 CoplM $1.1 ,,.........

Pest Office lex M Alfred St. Stotioe Detroit 1, Michigoe JANE ’AGE

July 10, 1949 SONGS OF PILGRIMAGE Psa. 1221; 134

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KEEPS ON GROWING . . . From all over the nation young people are converging onto the campus o f Westmont College. In eight years the student body has grown from a mere handful to 300 students. There's a reason. Westmont is scholastically and spiritually sound, maintaining the preeminence o f Christ in every phase o f its college life. A full 4-year liberal arts course is available. FREE BOOKLET tells the dramatic story o f Westmont College. WRITE DEPT. K. B. TODAY

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