King's Business - 1949-06

were speaking to each other. This is only one of several songs that were memorized and sung by God’s children in their joy as yearly they visited His house to worship and to give thanks. A fter singing these songs o f praise for days as they journeyed toward the

temple, the hearts o f the pilgrims were filled with love for God and with a real desire to worship Him by the time they arrived. Do you let the Holy Spirit prepare your heart through songs of praise and through God’s Word that you may be an eager worshiper when you come to God’s house each week?

F R E E A NEW CHORUS EACH MONTH Join The Chorus of the Month Club Write SUNSHINE GOSPEL MISSION 604 N. Clark St. Chicago 10, III.

July 17, 1949 SONGS OF THE TEMPLE Psa. 84:1-4; 95:l-7b

Now on Plastic a t Popular Prices Best-lovedChristianhymnsandsongsnowbeautifully recorded on tough, durable plastic that is nonbreak- able in normal use.

Pointers on the Lesson Song of Endearment Psa. 84:1-4

Helps for the Children Come, Let Us Worship Psa. 24; 95:l-7b

This Psalm has often been called a Pilgrim. Psalm. The hope o f the pilgrim is centered in the place of worship. It is the place where God’s presence is realized, where prayer is wont to be made, where the Scriptures are pro­ claimed, where praise ascends as a sweet savor unto God, and where the soul experiences rest. In verse 1, the psalmist expresses his love for the house of God. “ How dear is thy dwelling place,” is what he ac­ tually says. To the people of God, the place o f worship is a precious spot, worthy of the soul’s best interest. Verse 2 expresses the longing that is ever present with a child of God for the worship o f God’s house. He cannot be satisfied with long intervals of absence from the sanctuary; such a soul soon grows cold in his spiritual life. He be­ comes like the live coal removed from the hearth and put by itself. It quickly loses its glow and turns gray. Verse 3 gives an illustration of the privilege o f intimate contact with God’s house. The birds of the heavens come and build their nests in the precincts o f the temple. There they find rest and protection. Even so may the child of God enjoy the refuge of the Lord’s house. Verse 4 stresses the blessing that is enjoyed by all who are faithful to the services o f the place of worship. Song of Invitation Psa. 95:1-7 In this portion of the Psalm there is a divine invitation to engage in worship. This worship includes a number of things: (1) singing, v. 1, (2) thanks­ giving, v. 2, (3) use of the Word, v. 2, (4) reverence for God, v. 6, and (5) kneeling, v. 6. In all of these ways it is the privilege of the child of God to recognize the worth of God to his soul. Several reasons are set forth in these verses as to why the child o f God should worship His name: (1) the Lord is great, v. 3, (2) He is King above all others, v. 3, (3) He is omniscient, v. 4, (4) He is the Creator, v. 5, and (5) He is our Shepherd, v. 7. There are many ether reasons why the God of whom the psalmist speaks ought to be wor­ shiped. What reasons can you think of that may be added to those suggested in this psalm? J U N E , 1949

Memory Verse: “O come, let us wor­ ship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker” (Psa. 95:6). After the pilgrims reached the tem­ ple in Jerusalem, they attended the wor­ ship services and heard the temple choir sing. One o f the songs which the choir sang was Psalm 95. This Psalm helps people to worship today also. In it, those who love the Lord are called upon to worship Him because o f His power and His love. Psalm 24 was sung when David and the Levites brought the ark of the cove­ nant to Jerusalem. This Psalm, as well as other Psalms, was sung antipho- nally— that is, one person or one group sang part of the song and another per­ son or another group, answered with another part of the song. The questions in Psalm 24 were sung by one group and the answers Vere sung by another group. Perhaps in your home or in your class you would like to read this Psalm antiphonally with your parents or your teacher. Notice that the first question is, “ Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?” Are these things true of you as a Christian boy or girl? As you read this Psalm about the King of glory, pray that your life may cause others to want to stand in His presence too. had been led to do, she told the story to another Christian lady who rents an apartment from her, and that lady de­ cided to invest the $250.00 she had saved for many years “ for something special.” These two dear souls, neither blessed with much of this world’s goods, brightened the lives of their five students the other day with a delicious home- cooked dinner. We are looking forward to that day when we shall see the re­ wards so well earned by these two faith­ ful followers who have a zealous desire to “ occupy until He comes.” Those who give sacrificially have as great a share in the salvation of souls as those who preach the gospel and teach the Word of God. GIVING THAT COUNTS (Continued from Page 17.)

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