King's Business - 1949-06

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d OF SOLID GROWTH under the continuous leadership of its founder, President Lewis Sperry Chafer, has brought Dallas Seminary to its Sil­ ver Anniversary this year with an inter­ national reputation for reverent Biblical scholarship, zealous evangelistic spirit, and earnest missionary vision. Under God, Dallas has helped to train 700 men. Present student body is 175. The basic curriculum covers four years, leading to the Th.M. degree. The Graduate school offers work leading to the Th.M. and Th.D. degrees. The ob­ jective to train expositors is expressed by the motto—“ PREACH THE WORD.” Emphasis is placed on theol­ ogy—systematic and practical—English Bible, Greek, Hebrew, church history. Dallas has an outstanding faculty of 12 men. Premillennial. Approved for vet­ eran training. For free catalog anti other informative literature concerning Dalas Seminary write to THE REGISTRAR: 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas 4, Texas DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sod Wills It! NDIA IN YOUR PRAYERS 55 years in India — still advancing Write for information and literature 128 South Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Illinois ■ M P P to any evangelical Christian Minister, p l | P F Sunday School or Missionary Sup^rin- * tendent, one copy of "TAKE NO THOUGHT" for each family in his congregation, pro­ viding he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION


Holiday seasons should be welcomed by the Christian, for on these days the heart and soul may be undisturbed in the service of the King. Holidays may be a means o f growing in grace and in the knowledge o f our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. At such times, the regu­ lar duties of life may be laid aside and we may assume the duties of heaven in a new way, and be refreshed in the presence of the Lord. These occasions may be used most profitably and should be times o f glorifying God, bringing blessing to men, and profit to ourselves. Application of the Day Rom. 15:2 It could be considered good use o f the day if its character influenced personal character. On Independence Day let us study the great freedoms that Christ provides for the Christian. On Armis­ tice Day let us consider the peace of God, in all of its wonderful aspects. On New Year’s we may emphasize the new life in Christ Jesus; at Christmas time, God’s great gift, His Son; and at Easter, the resurrection in all of its victorious light. Of course, there are commercial days such as have been created in order to sell merchandise and there are “ church days” which have been es­ tablished to promote certain religions, but these days need not affect our lives. Make the Day Profitable Eph. 5:16 Christians need time to have the heart strengthened by faith, the mind trained, and the soul enriched. This is greatly hindered by the very busy lives we are forced to live these days. There is little time to spend in meditation,

Bible study, and self-improvement. Na­ tional holidays offer relaxation from the daily tasks and give wonderful oppor­ tunity for Bible study and prayer. There are many good books to read. There are helpful magazine articles available. There is the inexhaustible Scripture to be studied. The soul may retire on the holidays from the public gaze and the crowd to spend some time alone with God. Consider the Character o f the Day Col. 2:16 Many holidays have been devised and forced upon the public to cele­ brate the Catholic religion. “ Saint” days, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sun­ day, etc., are binding upon Christians. The purpose o f such days is to propa­ gate this false religion and to force Protestants to accept Rome’s suprem­ acy. On these days, there should be much activity in spreading the gospel, distributing tracts and Bible portions, and in every way seeking to help others to know the Saviour personally. Use the Day Wisely 1 Cor. 10:33 Some holidays are most appropriate for Christian ministry. On Christmas Day, visit the homes that need to know about the birth o f the Saviour. On Thanksgiving Day, minister spiritual­ ly and materially to those whose lot is hard and whose needs are many. On New Year’s, visit those who need to enter into a new life and to lay aside the old habits to walk with God. On Washington’s Birthday, we may express our gratitude for great leaders and godly guides to whom our nation is in­ debted.

T1THER, 417-K So. Hill St. Los Angeles 13. California

July 10, 1949 WE ALL PAY FOR GRAFT AND GREED Matt. 13:24-30

Sin in the heart is the cause of every form o f graft and greed. Selfishness is at the root o f this difficulty in the soul and this in turn is generated by a sin­ ful nature. The world does not live by

the precepts of our Lord. The world has no rule o f right or wrong to govern its living. Each one lives for himself. When the opportunity comes for personal gain, then the attempt is made to obtain T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Dept. KBP-M, 434 S. Wabash, Chicago 5, Hi. Page Twenty-four

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