history. Those who think they can sin promiscuously, injure society and their fellow beings, and not be severely pun ished fo r it are most willing to take the risk. As long as our judges are elected by the people, law enforcement will be affected by personalities. Many judges want votes. They want to stay in office; therefore, they permit criminals to be punished as lightly as possible when it is to their advantage to do so. If law were permitted its full sway, crime would be greatly lessened.
vate sinful desires. Those who are bent upon sin eagerly seek the things that feed the worst impulses of the human heart. Often from pictures and stories they learn new ways and means of en tering into a life o f crime. The Word of God is the only remedy. Lack of Adequate Punishment Promotes Crime Eccl. 8:11 Severe punishment is the best deter rent for crime as has been proved by
MONTHLY hr SCRIPTURAL ILLUMINATION 48 pages monthly, prophetic truths, signs of the times, guidance, Bible nuggets. Don’t miss its important articles and news features.
Editors: Dr. Keith L. Brooks, Rev. Alan S. Pearce. Subscribe for America’s Original Prophetic Digest 10 mo. $1; Foreign, $1.35 yr. Be a part of the. League’s worlcLwide prayer and mis sionary fellowship. Biblical books being supplied free to missionaries, needy workers and prisons as God's people provide. Write for details of this faith and non-profit work. AMER ICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, IN C . BOX BB, EAGLE ROCK STATION LOS ANGELES 41, CALIF. M Y L I F E IN THE CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible ex periences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. OVER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print! Read this frightful heart-breaking story and learn the truth concern ing convent life. 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.50. The edition is limited. . .so order at once. Gospel Art Shoppe, Dept. KB-6—Rowan, Iowa
July 24, 1949 USING ATOMIC ENERGY CONSTRUCTIVELY 1 Chron. 29:10-13; Zech. 4:6
Many good things could happen if people were good. The discovery of atomic energy would be hailed as a blessing from heaven if hearts were cleansed by the blood of Christ and lives were influenced by the Word of God. Such is not the case in our pres ent day. The world is filled with hatred and therefore men are at one another’s throats. Godless communism is bent on the complete overthrow of Christianity. Human hearts are not good, therefore, they will continue to pursue their evil course with the atomic bomb. Godless Men do Godless Things Jude 15 The world is divided into two camps. There are those who love our Lord Jesus Christ, are saved by His grace, and seek to follow His Word. This group is an exceedingly small minority. The other group consists of those who practice no restraint except that which they devise in their own minds and which will make for their own profit. The godless world controls the atomic bomb. Many of those who know the secret would, no doubt, like to use it exclusively for constructive purposes. Other leaders, however, have no such desires. This destructive weapon is in the hands of those who have omitted God from their program. The results can hardly be expected to be peaceful. Godless Men Plan Godless Work Gen. 6:5 The fairy tale o f “ one world” is too fantastic to be considered by sound thinking men. Those who have a god less philosophy desire no association with those who fear God and wish to walk in His ways. Their plans (which
are hopeless) envisage the development of Utopia by human means and human programs. History proves that this can never be. Human hearts are selfish and filled with hatred to God. No amount of man-made panaceas will make the human heart kind, unselfish and thought ful for the blessing of others. These graces come from heaven and do not grow in any of earth’s gardens. Godless Men Live Godless Lives Jude 18 The millions who are drinking vodka in Russia, wine in Italy, whiskey in the British Isles, gin in America and who are using opium in China, can hardly be expected to want the atomic bomb to be diverted to peace-time use. Liquor and tobacco do not produce constructive thinking in human minds. Humanity at large seeks personal gratification of its lowest appetites. A few see the great possibility of constructive enterprise and of the blessing of atomic energy. Godless Men Omit God from their Plans Rom. 3:18 In none o f the newspaper accounts do we find any reference to God or His Word in the councils of the great world leaders. Once in a while there will be an “ off the cuff” reference to some wise statement in the Scriptures but never is there an appeal to follow the teachings o f the Son of God. No leader in any country, not even in our own country, seems to consider a godly path in connection with the use o f the atomic bomb. The result is that war is on the lips of our people. Aggression is in the hearts of Europeans. Intrigue is a part of many nations. Only Christ can bring the remedy.
vOOWx^l g M* t fOR WEEKS
YOUTH WEEK ^Thr i l l i ng P rogram s, Planned Sports, Fellow* ship wi th International Leaders . . . A Vacation leading to God's voca tion for you. r July 10-17 . . . ? CONVENTION WEEK ■jlrGreat Messages, Know- How Sessions, A World I Vi si on Put to W ork. Y o u th praying — and obeying! Both Weeks . . . . . ArGlorious music . . . Band School . . . High School Bi bl e Cl ub hour . . . Radio Broadcasts.
July 31, 1949 THIS PRODIGAL AMERICA Deut. 8:1-2»
Rush Details o f the YFC Conference to Name__________________________________
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etc., are being removed from the earth and there is no replenishment. Much of this is used for constructive purposes but vast quantities are used for- de structive purposes. Grains are turned into liquor and beer. Valuable soils are T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Sin causes waste of every kind. We replace nothing that is taken out of the earth. We are using iron and making none. We are using oil and not replacing it. We are consuming lumber and re placing very little. Gold, silver, copper,
-Zone___State__ Dept. C-34
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