King's Business - 1949-06

used up in growing tobacco. Vast amounts are being sent to ravished countries abroad.. Sin is wrecking our world. Preparation for War Impoverishes Us Rom. 13:10 There is no replacement for the ma­ terials that are used in warfare. Vast quantities of electrical equipment are destroyed. Wood and paper are con­ sumed. Chemicals are cast aside. Bil­ lions of dollars are lost in the prepara­ tion and continuance of war. Our land is furnishing a large amount of this for the world and we are receiving nothing in return. The storehouse is not limit­ less. There must come an end to the supply. How careful we should be in the use and abuse of these great assets of ours so graciously given by the God of heaven. The Purchase o f Liquor Impoverishes Us Eph. 5 :18 It is reported that nine billion dollars was spent last year on liquor. The re­ sults are to. be seen on every hand. Automobiles are destroyed,, banks are wrecked, homes are broken up, and jails are filled. Detectives, policemen, and law enforcement officers are occupied in corrective measures and taken from otherwise c o n s t r u c t i v e employment. Grains by the millions o f bushels are put into this unholy use. Containers of every kind are destroyed, lives are wrecked, and cemeteries are filled. Liquor inflames the youth, leads to crime, and robs the widow. It is destruc­ tive. Production and Use of Tobacco Impoverishes Us 1 Cor. 10:31 It is reported that last year three billion dollars was spent on tobacco. The ground was robbed o f precious chemicals fo r this purpose. Thousands of lives were lost in fires which were ignited by cigarettes. Beautiful furni­ ture is seared and burned by smokers. The floor is littered with stubs, matches, and empty containers which require costly janitor service. Hotels are de­ stroyed and bedding burned by the care­ less smoker. Tobacco has no value what­ ever but is always destructive. The Pursuit o f Pleasure Impoverishes Us 2 Tim. 3:4 The thirty-hour week demand by union labor leaders is a curse to our country. The man who works 30 hours and has 138 hours each week to waste is no asset to society. Idle hands and idle brains make fertile soil for Satan. These short-hour weeks are contrary to God’s Word and to common sense. Our fathers who founded our country worked, from dawn to dark and built a wonderful institution. When God said, “ Six days shalt thou labour,” He knew that it was necessary for fallen man to be employed. Let us obey the Word of God.


This question is answered at Grace Theological Seminary by the Missionary Group shown above. These 13 students, out of a graduating class of 24 this year, are definitely committed to foreign service. All the honor students are in this group . . . Write for catalogue and information. Dr. Alva J. McClain, President Dr. Herman A. Hoyt, Dean and Registrar Winona Lake Indiana


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