heaven rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb, and the followers of Christ saw that He had already arisen from the dead. As we roll this stone, which suggested defeat, away from the door of the tomb, we shall see what happened on the first resurrection morning. We now read, “ DEATH CONQUERED. FAITH RE NEWED. ACCLAIMED VICTOR. DE FEATED DEVIL.” The resurrection of Christ proclaimed Him to be Victor over death and the grave. We can rejoice with those who on the first resurrection morning realized that Christ was victorious.
&nle& 4 uqe tv 3 viaet FOUNDED 1937 9 INCORPORATED 1947^ JEWS HEARING GOD’S WORD through 28 Stations in largest cities of Country reaching potentially 4,000,000 Jews weekly. Hundreds write in for Prophecy Edition N. T. Faith cometh by hearing. Write for free copy of magazine ' MESSAGE TO ISRAEL containing list of Stations, brief, helpful articles and news items. Your prayerful interest is needed. C O U L S O N S H E P H E R D BOX 482 GENERAL P.O. NEW YORK I, N. Y.
June 19, 1949 F ires and F acts
Objects: Use the equipment suggested in the lesson for June 5, another electric light bulb, red cellophane and enough sticks to build another imitation fire. (Arrange the objects as described and build an imitation fire behind the cross.)
Anting “ Sin* jJrnhlrnt $5mj “O UR school was not a large one,” writes an ardent Vacation Bible School worker from southern California. “ But most of the children were regular in attendance, showing great in terest in their lessons; and many came to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
Lesson: Recently we had a lesson about Peter’s denial of his Lord. We learned that he followed afar off, warmed by the world’s fire and found it easy to deny the Lord Jesus. Today we are going to learn about another fire in the life of Peter. We have brought the same bolt to represent Peter, the fire to represent the world’s fire and another fire to remind us of the fire which Christ built for His disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee after the resurrection. The disciples had gone fishing and had caught nothing. As they neared the shore the next morning they saw Jesus but did not recognize Him. He asked if they had caught anything, and they told Him that they had not. He told them to cast the net on the right side of the ship, which they did, and caught a multitude o f fish. John then recognized Christ and told the others. They went ashore and found Christ beside a fire on which fish were cooking. Jesus said, “ Come and dine” (John 21:12). After they had eaten Christ spoke to Peter saying, “ Lovest thou me more than these?” (21:15). Three times He asked Peter if he loved Him, and 3 times Peter answered that he did. I think Peter after wards was glad that he had the oppor tunity of 3 times confessing his love for Christ, inasmuch as he had 3 times de nied Him. Peter is no longer warming by the world’s fire. He has left that fire and is J U N E , 1 9 4 9
The A.S.S.U. aims to present only constructive teaching. We have no place, either for crit' ical attacks or for doubts and uncertainties. W e stand for and emphasize those founda' tional truths held in common by all evangelical Christians. These we teach from, the Bible, in which we find the supreme revelation of -God’s character and will, of His plan of salva' tion, and of Christian train' ing. We seek to make these truths clear to all, while espe' dally adapting them to the needs of children and young people.
“ During those precious two weeks, God again showed His mighty power in winning to Himself ‘the problem boy’ of the town. Jerry will have much of ridicule to endure from the miners; but the stand he took for Christ will prove to those men and others that, when we love and follow Him, Jesus is a real and con stant guide. “ But the cup o f our joy was filled to overflowing when we learned that a mother who had accepted Jesus as Saviour one day when we visited her home, and is now teach ing in the little Union Sunday School there, is none other than the mother of Jerry, and, with a brother and sister of Jerry, was saved the very same week. We rejoice that the Lord has brought to Himself the majority of that family, and believe that soon the entire house hold will be united in His loving care. Since returning home, too, we have heard from another little Mexican mother, a new babe in Christ, that she is faithfully reading a chapter a day in her Spanish Bible. We thank Him for the privilege of giving out His glorious Word.”
AMERICAN Sunday School Union
Our attractive quarterly, "TH E SUNDAY' SCHOOL M ISSIO N A RY ," contains much more information about how we are evan' gelizing "the otherwise unreached" in rural America. Write for your copy direct to Department of Missions, 1816'K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.
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