bones could have been found by some en terprising evolutionist and so furnished “ proofs” for another missing link. Too often we forget that there is always un limited capacity for variety among God’s creatures. H. J. Res. 181 ■Jt Honorable Albert Cole o f Kansas re cently introduced into the House o f Rep resentatives a bill which would acknowl edge the rights of Almighty God as a party to the Constitution o f the United States. The argument is that the rights of man have always been of paramount interest and are safeguarded by the first Ten Amendments, but what of. the rights of God? Is there any relation be tween such recognition and the recog nition of the rights of men. The forego ing resolution aims to clarify this mat ter. Now Jerusalem A United Press dispatch tells of the moving of the Israeli Government De partments from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in what was said to be the opening step to make that Holy City the capital of the new Jewish state. More than one thou sand government workers have already been transferred although the move is said to be hotly contested by the Arab forces. We feel that this is another important step in the great chain of events which must culminate in that coming corona tion day when the heavens will part and the feet of Christ. Israel’s long awaited and then recognized King, will stand upon the Mount of Olives. Prayer Room ■Jt in what is said to be the first official act of deference to the concept o f a Su preme Being, there is to be set up in the United Nations building in Manhattan a prayer room. Orders are given to the architects to install a simple undenomi national prayer room in a sequestered area of the six-block project where the faithful o f 'all religions can prav for guidance as their diplomats search for peace. This is the one bright spot in an otherwise gray and dismal picture of this Jt There is a very patient scientist at the University of California in Los Angeles who has worked for a quarter of a cen tury in an attempt to find out if man is capable of creating life. He reports that it is quite possible that the mysterious force we call life is nothing more than a cunning combination of electrical forces which result from the atomic structure of protoplasm. So, he declares, if a man determines all the factors in protoplasm and the manner in which they are put together, eventually he may 'have na ture’s blueprints for the origin of life. To this we reply that the Word of God teaches that life is a quality o f the per son of God which is loaned to man for the purpose which God has planned. We need not fear that any scientists or com bination of scientists may produce that which is the breath of God Himself. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S organization. Creole Liie?
William W . O r , D.D.
Science Comes Nearer «5* According to Howard W. Blakeslee, the Bible story of creation is receiving new support from science. While mod ern science and the Bible differ greatly on the subject of the origin of man and the earth, there have been three revolu tionary changes in scientific thought, moving toward the Genesis position. These are: first—that the heavens and the earth did come into being simulta neously as stated in Genesis; second— that the essential creative act was per formed in a very brief period of time rather than in the billions of years for merly believed ; third—that emergence of light may have been the first step in creation. These widespread admissions on the part of foremost scientists are indeed victories of the first order. Let Christian young people take cour age in their determined stand upon the ' truth of revelation. The day will come when every scientist will bow the knee and with his tongue confess the absolute veracity of the unerring Word of God. To Cure Worry One of America’s leading psychiatrists from Connecticut, discloses that it is now possible to surgically operate on victims of chronic anxiety, with surprisingly suc cessful results. He reports that it is now possible to look at brain cells and ac tually see a mental disease which may subsequently be treated with physical means. Surgeons are now said to be able to reduce anxiety with the aid o f a local anesthesia, followed by a simple brain operation disconnecting some o f the “ wires” so that the patient mav be Back at his classes, or at his work, the follow ing day. Upon this technique to cure worry we are unable to comment, yea or nay. What we do know is that the Lord promises to keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3 ), and that when the Lord is our Shepherd we shall not want (Psalm 23:1). A perfect antidote for all forms o f worry is to be found in Philippians 4:6, 7. Read it and believe it! Page Six
RCC in the News The Roman Catholic Church makes the headlines regularly. Recently a Cleve land priest invented a device by which Catholic motorists may say their rosaries while driving in their cars. Plastic clips are fastened to the horn ring which take the place of the usual beads. One may thus “ pray” and drive at the same time. In all the furor raised about the con version of Claire Booth Luce to Catholi cism, almost no mention was made of the fact that her mother was a Roman Catholic. To this the American Protes tant states that only one comment is nec essary : “ The apple does not fall far from the tree.” Occasionally the Pope makes pro nouncements of current and enduring value. Now he calls for a return to the preaching of hell fire and damnation, saying that it is more urgently needed today than ever before. To which, of course, we reply that such Bible teaching definitely excludes the absolutely unbibli- cal doctrine of purgatory. Large headlines called attention to the reported “ weeping” of a Catholic plaster image o f St. Anne in the hands of an eleven-year-old girl at Syracuse, New York. It is quite understandable that a child with an active imagination might make up such a story, especially after the plaster image had spent some days in a damp trash can. What is amazing, however, is that adult men and women by the thousands should blindly rush over to the spot of the reported miracle and almost trample on one another to get near the scrap of painted pottery. This is the result o f the blind superstition fostered by the Roman Catholic Church. Midget Cow & A full-grown cow, said to be the small est in the world, is to be found near Everett, Washington. She is three feet long and two feet high, weighs about ninety pounds, and is considered by the veterinarians to be between two and three years old. While there has been some dispute about it, the owner claims that she is “ all cow.” It is too bad that this cow didn’t live a hundred or more years ago so that the
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