Ahead of you was lots of hard work. But as you began to build your business, you discovered and deepened your why for building. You found that you would have an incredible support team to mentor and coach you, a team to give you encouragement and celebrate successes with you, and an entire company backing you up. You found hundreds of world-class wellness products and services now at your fingertips. And you found a vehicle for growing a reliable repeat income as you help others reach their own wellness goals. Your Today I Will! mindset allowed you to recognize just how valuable the opportunity presented by Melaleuca was—and allowed you to commit to it, get set, and meet it with all your passion and energy! There’s so much more to come, and with your Today I Will! mindset, you couldn’t be in a better position to take advantage of every opportunity you see to create a future of greater wellness. We’ve just finished the incredibly successful Partner-Up Cruise 2023 challenge. Thousands of Marketing Executives made the commitment to team up with an accountability partner, and out of those partnerships have come growth, momentum, and countless advancements—in addition to those coveted berths on the fabulous cruise liner. The Critical Activity Bonus has been an unprecedented engine for growth that many thousands have taken advantage of. Its success is an excellent measure of the momentum that’s building across North America! Next up? We just kicked off the 2023 company-wide Fast Track! The momentum from the first four months of 2023 is just going to keep building. I invite you to get with your Fast Track team and put your hands in the pot just like Corporate Director 9 Ed Bestoso, Corporate Director 7 Alan Pariser, Executive Director 9 Nona Pione, and National Director 7 Tom Pisano did. What will you and your team do today to take full advantage of this priceless opportunity? Decide now, commit to the course, and then go to work. Purposefully focusing on a Today I Will! mindset will allow you to anticipate the opportunities in front of you—just like the tennis pros. It will fuel your progress toward your bigger goals. Focus on the here and now. Make it part of your mindset. Decide to take action today—and see everything change as a result.
Today I will commit to change my life. Today I will put my family first. Today I will share what I love. Today I will make a friend. Today I will take my Peak Performance Pack. Today I will add four names to my contact list. Today I will make two calls. Today I will set two appointments. Today I will show that rower who’s boss. Today I will get past my fears. Today I will connect with my team. Today I will make a difference. Today I will enhance lives!
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