Leadership in Action - US English - 202305


What about a prize? The real prize is building repeat income as you consistently enroll and help others enroll customers who love our wellness products and become shoppers for life. There is also value in the relationships, encouragement, celebration, and accountability. Recognizing everyone for growth in these areas can be a great prize! Take advantage of the monthly promotions. These already have deadlines and prizes attached. All you need to do is get teams together and compete. Who will qualify first? JC

a powerful force that drives goal setting, planning, consistent activity, and frequent celebration for every win. “One of our team members was just dabbling,” Danny Tore says. “She didn’t have much belief in herself and what she could do. But once Fast Track started, she became ridiculously consistent—and her confidence grew. Fast Track has helped our team members develop themselves. We always say, ‘Melaleuca can’t be taught; it has to be caught.’ They’ve got to catch the fever! Fast Track is helping them gain a sense of the abilities they have, and that is priceless.” Tips for running your own Fast Track. The 2023 company-wide Fast Track is kicking off—but, as Senior Vice President

of Business Development Kevin Sommer reminds us, Critical Activity 6 says to always be involved in Fast Track! Keep the Fast Track energy going all year by running them within your own team. Here are Kevin’s tips for running a successful Fast Track. Commit. Set a goal and a time frame, and make sure everyone on the team is firmly committed to meeting daily as a team and following through on their commitments. Challenge another team —even if they’re not in your organization. Set a time frame and a criteria for points, and get going! Challenge several teams. Keep it simple— perhaps a 60-day challenge with one point for an enrollment and five points for developing a Director. Add a social media page where everyone can post their numbers each day.


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