Leadership in Action - US English - 202305

MARCH 2023


Presenting the top eight Senior Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their organizational Members during the prior 60 days (roll-ups not included), multiplied by the number of each Senior Director’s personally enrolled Directors, plus the number of their personally enrolled Members. Membership in this elite group is reviewed monthly. In order to be recognized as a member of this group, leaders must submit a picture at Melaleuca.com/MyAccount/PhotoUpload.






Amie & Jeff Powers Senior Directors 4, TX

James & Katey Kloepper Senior Directors 9, AB

Derek & Stacee Weissenberger Senior Directors 8, AZ

Brittany & Benjamin Pollock Senior Directors 7, MN





Troy & Shandee Messer Senior Directors 9, AZ

Kayla LaBorde Senior Director 7, LA

Sophie Lonsinger Senior Director 7, FL

Kevin & Angela Echols Senior Directors 8, GA

Amie & Jeff Powers


When Amie and Jeff Powers moved from Colorado to Texas, Jeff’s job was relatively easy to move. Amie’s wasn’t. She left behind a thriving real estate business and faced the tough prospect of starting over. “I didn’t want to do it,” Amie admits. “So I started searching for a business I could build from home—and I found Melaleuca.” The Powers did their research. What they found amazed them! Melaleuca was a US-based company that manufactured its products locally, with a mission that aligned with their own. They eagerly enrolled and began converting their home to Melaleuca,

and jumped into building their Melaleuca business a month later, as soon as their circumstances allowed. “We were blessed to become part of a well- established team that provided fantastic support and training,” Amie says. “We both understood the principle of work equaling output. So we went to work.” The Powers advanced to Senior Director 4 by doing the right activities consistently and focusing on helping their team members reach their goals. “Giving back is how we grow,” Jeff says. “The Lord gave us the wisdom and wherewithal to discover

Melaleuca and succeed in building this referral business together. We want to help bless others the same way.” “As a couple building this business together, we get to combine our strengths,” Amie says. “We have a wonderful dynamic as a couple and on our team. We’re always building each other up. We’re building a strong community of wellness together with a great company behind us!” “Best of all,” Jeff adds, “we each get to work with our best friend all the time.” JC


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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