Četvrtfinale je na programu 9. i 10, polufinala su zakazana za 13. i 14, meč za bronzu je 17, a finale 18. decembra
The quarter-finals are scheduled for 9 th and 10 th , the semi-finals are reserved for the 13 th and 14 th , the match for third place will be played on the 17 th and the final takes place on 18 th December
Naša reprezentacija odletela je na Mundijal specijalnim čarter letom „Er Srbije“ / Our national squad flew to the World Cup on a special Air Serbia charter flight
FIFA world cup in Qatar The celebration of football has begun Finally, on 20 th November, during a rainy Sunday here in Serbia, a spectacular ceremony opened the World Cup in Qatar
squad, led by coach Dragan ‘Piksi’ Stojković, flew to play on a special Air Serbia charter flight. The nation- al airline is always behind our ath- letes, which is why it also wished the “eagles” the best of luck. We don’t know what happened on the pitches, because we prepared this issue for print prior to Ser- bia’s match against Brazil, but we do know that the opening of the tournament was spectacular. The opening address was delivered by ac- tor Morgan Freeman, who was well aware of how to attract all the atten- tion at the Al-Bayt Stadium. Next came the performance of South Ko- rean superstar Jung Kook, while at the stadium we also saw groups of dancers performing in the colours of the host nation. The ceremony
culminated with a great firework dis- play that lit up the sky above Qatar. As usual, the organisers took advantage of the opportunity to present reminders of some of the things that have marked previous world cups, so we were able to hear famous songs like Wavin’ Flag, Sha- kira’s Waka Waka and others, all of which was accompanied by the mas- cots and emblems of previous World Cups. Of course, attendees were al- so addressed by World Cup CEO Nasser Al Khater. Following the opening ceremo- ny, the host nation played the open- ing game against the national team of Ecuador. They lost, but that’s all part of sport. What’s important is that such a long-awaited celebra- tion of football is finally underway...
The FIFA World Cup is un- derway, and while you read this ar- ticle, you are almost certainly aware of how Serbia’s national team played in its matches against Brazil, Cam- eroon and Switzerland. We hope that they all ended up like our friendly match against Bah- rain (5:1 to us), which our national
Qatar » Katar | 101
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