Serbian Philanthropic Gala 2022 in New York Over $85,000 raised for Serbian students The Serbian Philanthropic Gala is an annual event that’s organised by the Serbian Philanthropic Association and brings together humanity and kindness to help change the lives of other people, build bonds among the Serbian community and inspire philanthropy
Legendarni Zdravko Čolic sa bendom držao je goste na nogama do kasno u noc Legendary singer Zdravko Čolić, who kept the guests of the Gala on their feet until the end of the nighti
The third Serbian Philant- hropic Gala took place in No- vember at midtown New York’s historic Gotham Hall and brou- ght together 400 attendees from across the United States, Serbia, and other countries. The event ra- ised over $85,000 for the Stude- nica Foundation’s student scholar- ship programme. The funds raised will be used to assist more than 55 Serbian college students who ex- cel academically but lack the finan- cial support required to continue or complete their studies without in- terruption. As an active foundation, Studenica has helped over 2,000 students with their scholarly pursu- its over the last 29 years. The Gala also provided an oc- casion for the Serbian Philanthro- pic Association to acknowledge the decades-long work of Dr Danica Marinac-Dabić on the promoting of Serbian traditions and Serbian cul- tural heritage among the diaspo- ra. Dr Marinac-Dabić was honoured with the Excellence in Philanthropic Action Award, which acknowled- ges her efforts in founding the fol- klore troupe Opančići and leading it for the past 25 years. The Opan- čići troupe, which is based in Was- hington D.C., has been the corner- stone of promotions of traditional Serbian culture through folklore and dance. While the event was marked by these high philanthropic mo- ments, the remainder of the eve- ning was one of high energy, thea- tre, and acclaimed performances. The event’s Masters of Ceremony were Jelena Gavrilović, multitalen- ted actress and singer, and Geor-
ge Petković, a Member of the Ser- bian Philanthropic Association Board. Their charm and interacti- ons with guests, including Jelena’s opening musical performance, en- sured high spirits were maintained throughout the evening. Renowned composer, pianist and DJ Filip Bu- latović opened the main enterta- inment programme, mesmerising the audience and setting the sta- ge for the appearance of legendary singer Zdravko Čolić, who kept the guests of the Gala on their feet until the end of the night. “I am very pleased to have been part of this spectacle and so- cial event. It is obvious that this event was not only well attended, but also had an amazing atmosp- here among people who came he- re to provide financial support to a charitable cause. It is wonder- ful to see that there is an organisa- tion that helps talented people ac- hieve results. I hope this is not the last time and that there will be simi- lar initiatives in the future,” said Čo- lic, speaking after his performance. The famous singer arrived in New York on an Air Serbia plane and was provided with the kind of reception worthy of such a major star during the flight. Zdravko, who visited the Premium Lounge and enjoyed the flight, said: “this year I was in Bel- grade in April, and next spring, wi- th Air Serbia, we’re going to Chica- go!” This clip, accompanied by the sounds of the famous song April In Belgrade, went viral on Air Ser- bia’s social media profiles, and all that remains for us is to agree wi- th Zdravko – see you next year in Chicago.
Voditelji večeri bili su glumica i pevačica Jelena Gavrilovic i Džordž Petkovic, član Odbora Srpskog filantropskog udruženja The event’s Masters of Ceremony were Jelena Gavrilović, actress and singer, and George Petković, a Member of the Serbian Philanthropic Association Board
Zabavni program otvorio je Filip Bulatovic, kompozitor i pijanista (levo), dok je „Er Srbija“ bila organizacioni partner prestižne manifestacije / Composer and pianist Filip Bulatović opened the entertainment programme (left), while Air Serbia was an organisational partner of this prestigious event
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15
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