Elevate December 2022 | Air Serbia

Famous Chicago Foods More excited about Chicago’s di- ning opportunities than its histo- ric architecture tour? If so, you’re not alone! As any local will tell you, Chicago deep-dish pizza or Chica- go-style hot dogs simply don’t taste right anywhere else. 1. Deep Dish Chicago-Style Pizza Commonly called Chicago-style piz- za, deep dish pizza may be the most famous of all Chicago foods, whi- ch is no surprise given that it comes from a city that’s literally named af- ter onions and garlic. Baked in a deep pan, the crust has a distincti- ve high edge that surrounds genero- us amounts of cheese and chunky tomato sauce. Head straight for the source and try the popular Chicago dishes at Giordano’s, one of the ci- Okay, the sandwich itself isn’t Ita- lian—but the name honours its cha- racteristic Italian-style roll and sweet green pepper garnish. The beef is thin-cut sirloin, roasted in broth and spices to create that famous gravy. You can grab an Italian beef sandwi- ch just about anywhere in Chicago, from hot dog stands and baseball stadiums, to upscale restaurants. 3. Hot Dog A Chicago Hot Dog is absolutely distinct from a mere “hot dog”. It requires a water-bathed Vienna beef hot dog, poppy seed bun, mustard, sweet green relish, chopped onions, hot peppers, tomato slices, dill pic- kles, and a pinch of celery salt. It do- esn’t require ketchup. ty’s best-known pizzerias. 2. Italian Beef Sandwich

Prvi brauni na svetu Dobre vesti: možete zahvaliti Čikagu za braunije. Berta Pal - mer, supruga milionera hote - lijera Potera Palmera, prvi put je napravile ove čokoladne kocke u Palmer Hausu u Či - kagu, baš na vreme za njihov debi na Svetskoj izložbi 1893.

Čuveni čikaški specijaliteti Da li ste više uzbuđeni zbog to - ga šta ete probati u Čikagu nego zbog istorije ili arhitekture? Niste jedini! Kao što ć e vam reć i sva - ki meštanin, čikaški hotdogovi i pi - ce jednostavno nemaju pravi ukus Uobičajeno nazvana pica u čikaš - kom stilu najpoznatija je od svih čikaških specijaliteta. Pečena u dubokoj posudi, kora ima karakte - rističnu visoku ivicu koja okružuje izdašne količine sira i paradajz-so - sa. Krenite pravo ka izvoru i probaj - te ovo popularno jelo u restoranu „Đordano“, jednom od najpoznati - jih u gradu. 2. Italijanski sendvič sa govedinom U redu, sendvič sam po sebi ni - je italijanski, ali ime odaje čast nje - govoj karakterističnoj rolnici u ita - lijanskom stilu i ukrasu od slatkog zelenog bibera. Govedina je tan - ko rezana i pečena u bujonu i zači - nima da bi se stvorila ona čuvena moča – grejvi. Možete da ga nađe - te bilo gde u Čikagu, od štandova i bejzbol stadiona do vrhunskih re - storana. 3. Hotdog nigde drugde na svetu. 1. Pica u čikaškom stilu Čikaški hotdog je potpuno različit od običnog. Za to su potrebni kuva - na bečka viršla od govedine, lepinja posuta makom, senf, slatki zeleni dresing, seckani luk, ljuta paprika, kriške paradajza, kiseli krastavci i prstohvat soli od celera. Ne zahte - va kečap!

World’s First Brownie Good news: you can thank Chicago for the brownie. It was Bertha Palmer, the wife of millionaire hotelier Potter Pal- mer, who cooked up the fud- gy squares for the first time at Chicago’s Palmer House, just in time for their debut at the 1893 World’s Exposition.

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