Bioskop Cinema
„Avatar: Put vode“ Džejmsa Kamerona
Ne propustite Unmissable
Sam kraj godine rezervisan je za prvi igrani film Džejmsa Kamerona nakon 13 godina pauze, nastavak najuspeš- nijeg filma svih vremena „Avatar“, koji je inkasirao impresivnih 2,9 mi- lijardi dolara, što je postavilo visoka očekivanja za nastavak. Sam za pl et „Puta vode“ nije otkriven, ali se kroz trejler načelno može zaključiti srž pri- če. Fokus je na porodici Sali, koja se trudi sa zaštiti svoj narod i planetu od ponovnog napada ljudi. Poput prvog dela, film će metaforično predstav- ljati borbu manjina za jednakost i pro- tiv nepravde.
The end of the year has been reserved for the first feature film by James Cam- eron after a 13-year break: the sequel to the highest-grossing film of all time, Av- atar, which grossed an outstandingly im- pressive $2.9 billion, which has set high expectations for the sequel. The Way of Water’s actual plot hasn’t been revealed, but it is possible to deduce the essence of the story through the trailer. The fo- cus is on the members of the Sully fam- ily, who are trying to protect their peo- ple and the planet from another assault by humans. As with the first instalment, the film metaphorically represents the
Kulturno grejanje, decembarsko uživanje
Cultural heating, December enjoyment
Filmska industrija se i dalje nije u potpunosti oporavila od kovida, te smo ove godine imali samo dva filma čija je zarada prema- šila milijardu dolara na globalnom novou – „Top Gan: Maverik“ (1,5 milijardi) i „Svet iz doba Jure: Nad- moć“ (milijardu do- lara). Uzevši u obzir da je „20th Centu- ry Fox“ sada pod okri- ljem „Diznija“ , jasno
struggle of minorities for equality and against in- justice. The film indus- try still hasn’t recovered fully from the pandem- ic, and this year we on- ly had two films with global box office tak- ings that exceeded the billion-dollar mark: Top Gun: Maverick ($1.5 bil- lion) and Jurassic World: Dominion ($1 billion). Considering that 20 th Century Fox now oper- ates under the umbrel-
Nema lepšeg perioda godine od zime, kad možete da se sakrijete u bioskopu i pozorištu ili samo ušuškate uz toplo vino i neku fantastičnu knjigu. Evo nekoliko naših predloga / There’s no better period of the year than winter, when you can “hide away” in the cinema or the theatre, or just snuggle up warm with a bottle of wine and a fantastic book. Here are a few of our suggestions…
je da je marketinška kampanja dosta jača i ozbiljnija i zasad se procenju- je na impresivnih 300 miliona dola- ra. Iz straha da će „Avatar: Put vode“ harati blagajnama barem tri mese- ca poput „Spajdermena“ prošle go- dine, svi ostali veći projekti koji su bi- li najavljeni za decembar su odloženi za proleće 2023. Dugo se diskutovalo o tome da li uopšte postoji interesovanje za jed- nim, a kamoli za četiri nastavka ovog filma, koliko ih sprema Kameron, ali ako je suditi po reakciji na društvenim medijima, „Avatar: Put vode“ bi tre- balo da nadmaši i „Maverika“. Pred domaćom publikom naći će se 15. decembra.
la of Disney, it is clear that this film has received a much stronger and more se- rious marketing campaign, which is cur- rently estimated to have cost an impres- sive 300 million dollars. Fears that Avatar will pillage box offices for at least a three- month period, much like Spider-Man did last year, has prompted all other major projects initially announced for release in December to be postponed until spring 2023. It was long debated whether there was even sufficient interest for one se- quel to this film, let alone four, which is how many Cameron is preparing. How- ever, judging by reactions, it seems as though the new Avatar should even out- do Maverick. It will hit Serbian cinema screens on 15 th December.
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