ritam grada / Rhythm of the city
Muzej primenjene umetnosti Prezentacijom „Na staklenom putu“ u Muzeju primenjene umet- nosti u Ulici Vuka Karadžića na bro- ju 18 ova ustanova proslavlja 72 godine postojanja, a istovremeno se priključuje i obeležavanju Me- đunarodne godine stakla. Zgrada muzeja je dvospratna palata gra- đena u akademskom stilu po pro- jektu Stefana Belića. U njoj se čuva kolekcija od oko 40.000 predmeta – zlatnog i drugog nakita, stilskog, rezbarenog nameštaja, kostima, fo- tografija, keramike, porcelana, sta- kla, starih rukopisa i retkih štapa- nih knjiga, ikona... Starogrčki novac iz 4. veka p.n.e. predstavlja najsta- riji artefakt u muzejskom posedu. U toku je izložba „Na staklenom putu: Umetnost stakla i reprezen- tacija u Srbiji 1850–1950“ autorke Biljane Crvenković, višeg kustosa Muzeja primenjene umetnosti. Ona u fokus stavlja proizvodnju i upo- trebu stakla tokom jednog veka, značajnog za modernizaciju države. – Upotrebno staklo bilo je pri- sutno u građanskoj svakodnevici Sr- ba još od 18 veka. Imati češki kristal bilo je stvar prestiža u viđenijim ku- ćama – kaže autorka izložbe. Kru- na postavke su predmeti koji su bili deo dvorske kulture dinastije Obre- nović i Karađordević, kao i oni što ih je pred uvažene goste iznosila služba protokola doživotnog pred- sednika Tita. Muzej savremene umetnosti Uputite li se u pravcu Novog Beograda, neizostavno poseti- te Muzej savremene umetnosti. Ta zgrada ima čime da se diči jer, osim izuzetne pozicije, nasuprot Beogradske tvrđave na levoj obali Save kod ušća u Dunav, posmatra- ča zadivljuje i njena kristalomorfna struktura. MSU je kompletno ob- novljen 2017, i to izložbom Mari- ne Abramović „Čistač“, i sad blista u svoj svojoj jednostavnoj raskoši. Muzej aktuelno nudi izložbu „Ne- pouzdani pripovedač“ jednog od najpoznatijih srpskih vajara Mr- đana Bajića.
of the museum is a two-storey palace that was built in the academic style, according to the design of Stefan Be- lić. It houses a collection of around 40,000 items, including gold and oth- er jewellery, stylish and hand-carved furniture, costumes, applied photo- graphs, ceramics, porcelain, glass, old handwritten manuscripts and rare books, icons and much more. The oldest artefacts held by the muse- um are ancient Greek coins dating back to the 4 th century BC. The current exhibition, On the Glass Road: Glass Art and Rep- resentation in Serbia (1850-1950), is authored by Biljana Crvenković, senior curator of the Museum of Ap- plied Arts. It places a focus on the production and use of glass over the course of a century that was signifi- cant as it marked the country’s mod- ernisation. “Usable glass was present in the everyday life of Serbs from as far back as the 18 th century. Having Czech crystal was a matter of prestige among the more “prominent” hous- es, says the exhibition’s author. Pro- viding the crowning glory of the ex- hibition are items that formed part of the court culture of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties, as well as items that were used to serve dis- tinguished guests under the proto- col service of lifelong president Tito. Museum of Contemporary Art If you head in the direction of New Belgrade, you simply must vis- it and tour the Museum of Contem- porary Art. The building itself has reason to be proud, because apart from its exceptional position – op- posite the Belgrade Fortress, on the left bank of the Sava at its conflu- ence with the Danube – visitors are also amazed by its crystallograph- ic structure. The Museum of Con- temporary Art was fully renovated in 2017 and reopened with Marina Abramović’s exhibition The Cleaner, while it now glistens in all its simple splendour. The museum is currently offering the solo exhibition Unrelia- ble Narrator, which presents works by Mrđan Bajić, one of Serbia’s most famous sculptors.
the Belgrade Lady, at 21 Kralja Mi- lan Street, on the fourth floor of the building known as the Devanha Pal- ace, is the Museum of Paja Jovano- vić, one of Serbia’s greatest painters of the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. Jovanović resided in London, Paris and Munich, only to return to Vien- na towards the end of his life, while he showed his devotion to his own nation by gifting it “everything that was worth keeping” from his paint- ing accessories and tools. It is thanks to this that the central room of the Museum is today a replica of his stu- dio, while other spaces are decorated with Paja’s paintings and furniture. Nikola Tesla Museum Tesla's name is known the world over, so for his sake it isn’t difficult to make the walk to 51 Krunska Street. Nestled among the villas of Vračar that date back to the interwar period, this institution that awaits visitors is housed in a building that’s a master- piece of architect Dragiša Brašovan. Visitors here are provided with an opportunity to overview the life of Tesla as an individual, through pho- tographs from his youth, personal documents, and pictures of his birth- place in the Like region’s village of Smiljan. The exhibition also includes Tesla’s hat, cane and travel bag, as well as various measuring instruments and numerous items from the labo- ratories where he researched around the clock. “A special place in the Mu- seum is occupied by the memorial room, which houses the urn con- taining Tesla’s ashes,” says museum curator Milica Kesler. Making a vis- it here special is the opportunity to hold a neon lamp in your hand, which lights up when the big Tesla trans- former is switched on. Providing an even greater shock is the “lightning” produced by his small transformer. Museum of Applied Art With the presentation ‘On the Glass Road’, the Museum of Applied Art, at 18 Vuka Karadžića Street, is commemorating its 72 years of ex- istence, while at the same time join- ing celebrations marking the Inter- national Year of Glass. The building
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