Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Decembar 2022.
December 2022
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
Bliži se kraj 2022. godine, koja je za nas u Er Srbiji bila izuzetno dinamična. Uprkos uticaju pandemije korona virusa koji se još oseća, ostvarili smo rezultate na koje možemo biti ponosni. Pokre- tanjem niza novih destinacija u našoj mreži omogu- ćili smo još bolju povezanost sa celim svetom, što je rezultiralo time da u prvih devet meseci prevezemo više od dva miliona putnika. Iza nas je odlična let- nja sezona, a i zimska je veoma aktivna. Decembar, koji smo s nestrpljenjem očekivali, donosi važne projekte za našu kompaniju. Sa zado- voljstvom ističemo da će, posle 22 godine, nacio- nalna avio-kompanija ponovo leteti do Kine. Naša nova destinacija biće Tjenđin, četvrti grad po veli- čini i najveća luka na severu ove azijske zemlje. Sa- obraćaj će se realizovati jednom nedeljno našim ši- rokotrupnim avionom A330 sa likom Nikole Tesle. Opredeljeni smo za povećanje obima saobraćaja, o čemu svedoči i podatak da flotu dodatno proširu- jemo i drugim avionom „erbas A330-200“, registar- ske oznake YU-ARC, koji nosi lik velikog srpskog naučnika Mihajla Pupina. Na ovaj način želeli smo da odamo priznanje jednom od najvećih umova i najboljih profesora elektrotehnike svih vremena, koji nikada nije zaboravio svoje poreklo i zavičaj. Kontinuirano pratimo situaciju na tržištu i do- punjavamo ponudu kako bismo uvek bili aktuel- ni i konkurentni. S obzirom na to da su se potrebe putnika u regionu za letovima između Beograda i Istanbula značajno povećale, u saradnji sa Turkiš erlajnzom tokom tekuće zimske sezone obavlja- ćemo i do 17 letova nedeljno između ta dva grada, umesto sadašnjih 10. Novitet za period pred nama je i uspostavlja- nje direktnih letova do Malage, čime smo dodatno osnažili prisustvo u Španiji. To je peta destinacija u toj mediteranskoj zemlji do koje letimo. Posle više od tri decenije pauze vraćamo se i u Vetroviti grad. Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će od 17. maja sledeće godine ponovo uspostaviti direktne letove između Beograda i Čikaga. Veruje- mo da će ova linija biti izuzetno značajna ne samo za srpsku dijasporu već i za širi region Balkana. Osim redovnih destinacija, potrudili smo se da tokom praznične sezone uvedemo i dodatne leto- ve između Niša i Ciriha, kao i Beograda i Pule. Ka- da idete u susret onima koje najviše volite, Er Sr- bija je tu za vas. Uživajte u letu i srećni praznici, Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbije
We are approaching the end of 2022, which has been a very dynamic year for us at Air Ser- bia. Despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which can still be felt, we have achieved results that we can be proud of. By adding a series of new destinations to our network, we have provided even better connec- tivity with the entire world, which resulted in us car- rying more than two million passengers over the first nine months of the year. We also have behind us an ex- cellent summer season, while the winter season is prov- ing very active as well. The month of December, which we’ve awaited eagerly, brings important projects for our company. It is our pleasure to announce that, after 22 years, the national airline will again be operating flights to China. Our new destination will be Tianjin, China’s fourth largest city and the biggest port in the northern part of this Asian country. Flights will operate once a week using our wide-body A330 aircraft that bears the image of Nikola Tesla. We are determined to increase our volume of traffic, as evidenced by the fact that we have expanded the fleet additionally with another Airbus A330-200 aircraft, registration code YU-ARC, which bears the image of great Serbian scientist Mihajlo Pupin. We thereby wanted to pay tribute to one of the greatest minds and best professors of electrical engineering of all time, who never forgot his origins and his homeland. We are continuously monitoring the situation on the market and expanding our offer, in order to ensure we remain relevant and competitive. Given that the need of the region’s travellers for flights between Belgrade and Istanbul has increased significantly, we will - in cooperation with Turkish Airlines - operate up to 17 flights per week between the two cities during the current winter season, up from the previous 10. Another piece of good news is the commencement of direct flights to Malaga, which further reinforces our presence in Spain, as our fifth destination in this Mediterranean country. After a break lasting more than three decades, we are also returning to the Windy City. We will re-establish a direct service between Belgrade and Chicago as of 17 th May next year. We believe that this route will have great importance not only to the Serbian diaspora, but to the broader Balkan region. Apart from scheduled destinations, we have also worked to introduce additional flights during the winter holiday season, between Niš and Zurich, but also between Belgrade and Pula. When you want to meet up with your nearest and dearest, Air Serbia is there for you. Enjoy your flight, and happy holidays,
Jiri Marek Air Serbia CEO
jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia
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