Leica SL2-S Reporter Edition
Baš kao što nadimak ove kamere suge- riše, robusni dizajn i poboljšane perfor- manse čine je idealnom za foto i video žurnalizam. Minimalni brending i gotovo retro opredmećenje u vidu maslinasto- zelenog metala učiniće da se osećate kao avanturista na važnom novinarskom zadatku čak i ako to niste, a slike i snimci će ispasti profi, bez obzira na vašu pra- vu profesiju. Leica SL2-S "Reporter" edition As this camera’s “nickname” suggests, its rugged design and improved perfor- mance make it ideal for photo and vid- eo journalism. The minimal branding and almost retro housing, in the form of ol- ive-green metal, will leave you feeling like an adventurer on an important journalistic assignment, even if that’s not what you are. Both your still images and video clips will look professional, regardless of your actual profession.
Gedžeti / Gadgets Završite godinu na haj-tek noti/ End the year on a high-tech note Tehnološki saveznici koji plene svojom futurističkom estetikom inspirisani su pragmatičnom jednostavnoš u istinskih svetskih putnika / Technological pals that prove captivating with their futuristic aesthetic and are inspired by the pragmatic simplicity of true world travellers
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić
Devialet Mania Dramatično ime samo nagoveštava etos ovog francuskog brenda audio-tehnolo- gije. „Devialet“ je posvećen tome da pruži nesvakidašnje dobar zvuk bez kompro- misa u dizajnu. „Mania“ prenosivi zvučnik je najnoviji dodatak njihovom impresiv- nom portfoliju: adaptivna tehnologija prilagođava se specifičnosti svakog prostora, a skulpturalna forma učiniće da bude primećen čak i u najskrivenijem uglu. Devialet Mania This product’s dramatic name merely hints at the ethos of this French au- dio technology brand - Devialet is devoted to delivering an exceptionally good sound without compromising on design. The Mania portable smart speaker is the latest addition to an already impressive portfolio: adaptive technology ad- justs it to suit the specifics of each space – and the sculptural form will ensure it stand outs even in the most hidden corner.
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